
I have heard that when you teach children, you must dare to be silly, but how?

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I am normally serious, and this is so hard for me to do, but I have been told to be a little silly because children love this, but how?




  1. You have to make kids laugh so they will enjoy the lesson and so learn more. If you can't do it then someone else said try a different career path, and I have to say that that is a thought!

  2. I don't think silly is the right term.... I'd say that you kind-a have-ta act like a kid sometimes. You need to go down to their level.... and this may make you feel silly when you are only "acting" as a child would.

  3. You don't have to set out to BE silly, but if the occasion arises, go with it.  If you do something that embarrasses you in class, laugh at yourself WITH the kids; in fact, call attention to it and laugh FIRST.  (Never do that with the kids, though)  If a student makes a joke, laugh if you think it's funny.  If you hear a harmless joke you think your kids would appreciate, share it.  Kids don't necessarily want you to be silly; they want to see you being a HUMAN - all emotions, just like theirs!

  4. Teaching is 3/4 acting.  You need to inspire students by being a little eccentric sometimes, getting down to their level, encouraging them but not `silly`.  You need to lighten up a little, pretend to be someone else and make things more interesting.  Think back to how you responded to stories when you were a child.  Which did you enjoy the most, the bland, no character voiced versions or the ones where effort was made ot create different voices, different actions and to add soundeffects.  Thats what teaching is about.  Do you do it the bland way or the other way.  You`ll need to be out of yor comfort zone to perform better, and you`ll soon get used to it.

  5. We make up songs and hand gestures to help remember information.  We have "wiggle time" in my classroom... you just do whatever you need to do to keep them... and yourself involved in the lesson.  You'll find your own style.

  6. Try watching Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network as much as you can. The only things I watch on TV are cartoons as it gets me in touch with my inner child more and helps me to connect with the kids. If you can sing the Spongebob Squarepants theme and name over 300 pokemon then the kids will take to you immediately. I find that I do well at teaching due to the fact I am crazier than my kids. If I can't make them laugh more than 10 times in an hour then I take it as being a bad lesson.

  7. Why is it that you want to teach children? If you don't have an 'inner child' yourself then you won't be able to relate to them and teaching them will be a bad idea. Maybe you could teach an older age group or consider a different career. You need to be very versatile to be a teacher and yes, it can be great fun if you allow it to be.

  8. If it doesn't come naturally to you then you should find a different career path.

  9. You don't have to be silly all of the time.  In fact at my school we say no smiles until November, so that the kids know you mean business. I teach middle school, so things are a little different.  One of the things you have to do is be willing to admit that you don't know everything, and will make mistakes. Don't let anyone talk you out of teaching, if is something you really want to do.  We need people that really want to be in the profession.

  10. Sometimes you have to help them to imagine.

    Character voices are good, in stories, or acting out, as you read, the mannerisms decribed of a character.

    Come ON, don't make it harder than it has to be.

    You're a big kid teaching the little ones how to be big kids some day, too.


    live by the rules

    work and play hard

    and always be open to learning and adventure

    And, every day, we all risk being a little silly, in our pursuits of all of these.

    Good luck.

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