
I have heard women say they would LOVE to be a man for a day. But a man would NEVER want to be a woman. WHY?

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Do you think it's harder being a man or a woman? WHY?




  1. its definitely harder to be a woman! that is why men don't want to be women for a day. women get stuck with their period, putting make up on and dealing with hairstyling. although guys work toward their appearance, i believe women work harder in tht area. most guys just wear a tee and jeans while girls spend forever dressing. also, women are a lot more emotional and analytical, no matter what guys say. we tend to over think things and don't shrug it off as easy as guys. So much easier to be a guy!

  2. That can't be true, because a lot more men have s*x changes to become women that women have s*x changes to become a man.

    I don't think being a woman is harder than being a man (of course I've only been a woman, so maybe I don't know). But it seems to me there is plenty of bad stuff about being a man.

    Men suicide more than women and are more likely to be victims of violence - it can't be all beer and skittles.

  3. Its obvious that its harder to be a woman. Men probably feel like they wouldn't be able to handle it.  I don't blame em'. But I do love being a woman.

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