
I have heirloom tomatoes from a friends, how do I save the seeds?

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I have no clue what to do, but I do know I should save them.

Step by Step instructions/explanation would be appreciated.




  1. cut them open and remove the clump of seeds on a paper towel...sit it aside to dry out and their you have them...let dry out very good before you store them in the a plastic sandwich type bag or anything really...

  2. Take your chosen tomato and slice it in half across the middle (it's "equator"). With a spoon or your well-washed fingers scoop out the seeds and their gelatinous "goo" into a clean cup or container. fill cup up half way with water and add the seeds. Place the container of seeds in a warm location; a sunny windowsill. In about 2-3 days the water will look cloudy. Then pour the container's contents into a fine kitchen sieve and rinse the seeds with water several times...stir them while they're in the sieve to assure that all surfaces are thoroughly rinsed.Line an open plate with a piece of waxed paper or a large automatic-drip coffee filter.Place the rinsed seeds onto the wax paper or coffee filter and spread them about so they are in a single layer. When they are completely dry you can now store them. Here is a link with more information, hope this helps :)

  3. I have done this before, and have had tomatoes grow successfully. :D

    1) Take a tomato and cut it in half.

    2) Scoop the seeds out.

    3) Get a little bit of toilet paper or napkin and spread out the seeds on the paper

    4) Leave them to dry overnight (You can leave them to dry anywhere, you don't have to dry them in the sun)

    5) Once they're dry, you can seal them up in a sandwich bag (Remember to label it!)

    I just recently ate a tomato and decided to take the seeds from it. I dried them, and planted them. Just yesturday they poped up. Today I ate a cherry tomato, took the seeds from it and dried them.

    Good luck!

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