
I have herpes, but is it true that I can't pass it onto any other body part now?

by Guest34458  |  earlier

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I have herpes, but is it true that I can't pass it onto any other body part now?




  1. possibly  

    but u should ask ur Doctor  he/she will no best

  2. except mine

  3. Theres different strains of the herpes virus. There is one that can be anywhere on the body. Many nurses get it because they end up exposed to it. My aunt worked as a nurse and actually has herpes on her forearm. When she isnt stressed its fine, and I think shes on meds for it but when shes really stressed she gets a flare up and you can see it.

  4. It is possible here:

  5. yes

  6. its not all that common but yes its true u can pass herpes to other places of the body. the virus is contagious (more so while there are symptoms or while there visible sores or blisters) so u can pass both types of herpes onto either your mouth, genitals, nose or even eyes. but its rare to pass it onto places of the body that are not wet.

    wash your hands frequently and try not to touch an out break. if u do wash your hands after.

  7. Umm I would ask a doctor that.

    But ... I dont think it can.

    But ask a doctor I dont think this is something you post on the internet.

    Im not trying to be harsh or anything.

  8. do you mean spread over your own body or give to other people on their other body parts?

    well I looked up and it is possible but not likely to spread over your own body.. link below.. with the main link it came from, that has lots on info on herpes.

    and from what i've heard you have to be very careful to not spread it to other people, but again link below has info on it.

  9. as in you own body parts???

    i think u could... like ur hands. so if u do touch down there make sure u wash ur hands everytime to be on the safe side. sorry and good luck. if your on the medication u should be fine too. jus be careful between outbreaks.

  10. Once you have the virus, you start producing antibodies to it.

    Therefore, it is extremely unlikely once you have had it a few months that you would transfer it to another part of your body. It can happen, but it normally happens either when you very first catch herpes or in immuno-compromised people.

    I have genital herpes and it isn't something I worry about.

  11. yes yes yes and yes of course so dont do anything nasty

  12. uhm uhm don't take any chances stay clean at all times

  13. Yes that right. Sorry about your std. Condoms,  and honesty with a realtionship now...

  14. no that's not true it can be passed into the mouth if oral s*x is done.

  15. No, but the chances are extremely slim now.

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