
I have high b.p.and i am taking a tablet once a day.i still get tingling sometimes in you know why?

by  |  earlier

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my diastolic seems on the higher stays in the early 90s. should i be worried/




  1. Call your pharmacist, they can answer this, becuz they know what you're taking. Or, you can call your doctor's office and ask the nurse. They know what is right, and what you should feel like.

  2. How long have you been on the bp pills? It can take up to 3-4 weeks for some bp pills to lower the bp. My bp was 122/97 on Tuesday, it usually runs 90/60. Anything can make it go up including stress which it sounds like you may have because it is in the 90's. Stop worrying and give the pills a chance to work. Also avoid caffeine, chocolate and salt and soda (pop) especially diet because it is full of sodium (salt) which will raise your bp. Drink lots of water and juice. Water will flush out the salt and be sure to eat a banana or OJ or both everyday if your bp pills have a fluid reducer in them. Your potassium will get too low and you will get really tired. I wouldn't worry about the arm tingling, you are probably nervous because the bp is higher than you think it should be. Tingling in arm has nothing to do with your bp and if it was your heart you WOULD know it. Stop worrying and give it some time.

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