
I have high cholesterol going through menopause and i quit smoking...need a vitamin supplement that will addre

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want a vitamin that will address everything....I dont want to take 100 pills a skin is




  1. You need 3 supplements. Omega 3 which was previously mentioned. Niacin (Vit B3) 1,000mg a day to lower cholesterol. And CoQ-10 100mg for circulation and improve your heart.

  2. What you want is fish oil.  For best results, consider changing your diet to emphasize Omega 3 fats in it.  The book "The Rosedale Diet" will give you all the info you need to do that.

    That will fix everything.  Your lipid profile especially.  Menopause symptoms.  Prevent weight gain from quiting smoking.  Even your skin (which should improve immediately).

    One thing I do is use Carson's fish oil supplement.  It's expensive but definitely worth it.  Incredible source of Omega 3 and it's almost tasteless (I hate fish).  I tend to make alot of soups and stews with it as the source of fat and ultra low fat cuts of meat like chicken breast or buffalo.  I gotta tell you, food manufacturers are retarded.  They could mass produce this stuff and make many of our favorite fatty foods in such a way that they are extremely healthy and cause weight loss instead of weight gain.  And you wouldn't be able to taste the difference.

  3. My company Visalus Sciences has an amazing Anti-aging and Energy System that was designed with helping the problems you described. It can help you in a matter of a couple of months.

    It's called the Vi-pak and you can find it on my website:

    You can also contact me:

    Would love to help you feel good again!

  4. Natural remedies include oats, fish oil, garlic oil and others that you can find in a web search for "high cholesterol" + "natural remedies".

    Each natural remedy helps a bit and you may have to take more than one.

    Cholesterol pills from your doctor are likely to give you aching muscles and other side effects.

  5. Since you have three separate issues, you need to take vitamins to address each one. Here's the information:



    Cardiovascular health:

    The web site listed below has information on dietary supplements that can be helpful for all kinds of different situations. Check it out! No sales pitches...just information.

  6. This website provides a useful information about cholesterol and  how to reduce cholesterol in a very natural ways.

    Hope you find it useful.

    All the Best.

  7. Aloe Vera has been found to aid in the management of high cholesterol and will help with digestion too. Did you notice how I had to word that’s. I cannot tell much over the internet as it is not approved by the FDA because it is a natural product. if you would like to know more you would have to do a search on aloe its quiet amazing remember that I was the one that turned you on to this solution please. This is a natural products and not a drug so it’s not approved by the FDA to cure or treat any disease, Aloe Vera studies have been conducted in many countries worldwide. It has been demonstrated to contain antioxidant agents to combat free radicals, be effective for metabolic detoxification, intestinal cleansing, increasing cellular metabolism and direct stimulation of immune system cells for the past 30 years forever living products has been the largest grower processor and distributor of ale vera products in the world. You will have to do a little home work to find out just how merciless what I’m offering you is. We also have an aloe vera juice called Forever Freedom with MSM & glucosamine for older people. When you’re ready please go to this site and call us

  8. I would go ask a practitioner if you are looking for wholistic medicine. Prescriptions or anything man made only causes more problems down the road, of course that is my opinion.

  9. check this out

    It's liquid for easy absorbtion in the body.

  10. I take a supplement called chaga that is doing wonders for my entire body.  I use to have high cholesterol, but now it is completely normal.  Not only that but it has did wonders for my skin and my energy level is at its best.  For more information go to Then go to product and click on product stories and read sams story it is very powerful

  11. Fish oils with Omega 3, and Lecithin (sold in vitamin section of most stores) really work.  Ask your pharmacist.  The fish oil will also help your skin.

  12. Go to and you will find a wonderful selection of supplements to choose from.  In fact, you can get a free 14 day supply right now to see if you like them.  I would suggest the Woman's Daily + iron and calcium, especially with the menopause.   And if you like it, you can earn points to get $5 and $7 coupons.  And very often KMart puts Nature Made on sale for Buy 1 Get 1 Free, plus the coupon = almost free for both because they are not that expensive.

    In regards to your smoking, might not be aware that after you have stopped smoking for 48 hours, ALL of the nicotine is out of your system (provided your not using a pill or patch to quit) and basically the only thing you have left is habit.  If you can break your habit of lighting-up when you do things (i.e., driving, talking on the phone, etc.) you won't have to worry about a pill to help you quit.  Take it from a 20 year 2pk a day smoker who's been smoke free for 20 yrs, 2 months 5days! YOU CAN DO IT !!!

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