
I have high functioning autism and don't know what to do?

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I still have hope and belief in God ..Sometimes I feel miserable..Except my parents no one talks to me...they're also feeling the burden now.I am 25 yrs old...I struggled a lot and graduated with an engineering degree & jobless ...its hard to explain people that I have some kind of there any cure for it so that I can live like others ?




  1. My son is a "high functioning Autistic" to know that you have graduated with an engineering degree gives me hope for him (he's only 10). I recently found a web sight the Son Rise Program, while searching for info on treatment and maybe a cure. Try that see what you think. I would love to talk to you. but my e-mail would end up out here in answers for anyone to see.  

  2. Everyone one of us are born as an unique individual and those of us on the autsim spectrum are deserve and different as those not on the autism spectrum, just very misunderstood.

    I really feel you should seek professional advice, your docotr should be able to help advise.  Many of us on the autism spectrum are self diagnosed at first and then its finding a professional who understands and can diagnose us. So before being diagnosed, write down as much information as you can will really help, back to when you were a child. As we get older we learn to change and adapt, does not mean we do not still have those differences, do what your doing now research and read as much as you can and then decide, if you feel you are I always say its best to know for sure and be diagnosed, as its not about the label, its about true identity.

    AS Symtoms (Full Official Criteria) & AQ test:

    Good luck, as it can take some time.. finding a good specialist really helps, highly recommend.. If in UK contact National Autistic Society UK one of the more helpful bigger national sites...

  3. There's no cure but there may be medicines that can help, I'm not too sure. Try to get a job and move out. And join clubs or groups in things your interested in or maybe even try to find a group of others with high functioning autism to meet people. No one should have to feel lonely and no one should waste their life away. If you ever want to talk, feel free to email me at best of luck.

  4. There is no cure for autism, but there are ways to deal with it and to improve your social skills so that you can get the opportunity to put your other skills to use.

    I recently found a great online community for people with autism spectrum disorders, where we can talk to people who understand us and get support and exchange useful tips about how to deal with certain situations and difficulties. I recommend that you have a look at it, it might help you too. The link is

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