
I have highschool trouble... Feeling a bit overwhelmed....?

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Soo i just started school like last week and i feel overwhelmed..... My stupid counceler put me in AP Hist Art (a class thats not supposed to be offered to freshmen) and i absolutely hate that class... Everytime i go to that class i just feel like breaking down and crying.... Im trying to get out of that class but they are taking too long and idk anymore if they are going to take me out of that class.... Also they started to give out hw and i feeel like its tooo much..... Wat should i do... I feel like if ima be in this class im going to have like no life because i have marching band too soo that takes up alot of my time (but i dont want to drop that class because i like it) What should i do to cope with this situation.????




  1. I can only suggest you talk to your schools guidance councilor.  Perhaps they can put you on a different course that is more in line with what you want to do as a career.  Remind them also, that you are enrolled in a class you are not supposed to be taking.  Talk to your parents also.  I'm sure they have some say in the matter.

  2. You need to harass your guidance councilor!! If you aren't even supposed to be in AP Art History, you shouldn't have to take it! It's so much work. That's totally unfair. They should take you out of it. If they won't, tell your parents to call your school.

    As far a band goes, I think you should stick with it if you like it. If it ends up interfering with your school work, then drop it.

  3. Have your parents call your counselor and tell him to drop that class.

  4. I can see how you think that's overwhelming. I'm going into grade 11, and in grade 9 they made me take grade 10 history, and it really sucked for the same reasons you listed, homework and just the fact that i didn't know anyone in the class because i was a freshman. My suggestion to you is, if you are really really overwhelmed, get one of your parents/guardians to write you a note saying that you are overwhelmed in the class they put you in and that you have to switch classes. Parents have the final say and that should resolve any problems your having. If that doesn't work (which it should), talk to your teacher and explain to them the situation you're in. I hope everything works out in the end!  

  5. muffins that's alot for a freshman! You're going to have to keep faith in the class being dropped unfortunately, but be sure to check back in regularly to make sure they haven't forgotten about you...which my school tends to do...alot. As for the homework...well, that is what you call high school. You'll get used to it eventually, and once you get into the swing of things it won't feel like that much. I'm in a school band to and I know how much time that takes up, but honestly once you get into the schedule it all falls into place. It's natural to feel overwhelmed in your first few weeks of freshman year! and sophomore year, and junior year, and senior year, and all the way back to freshman when you get to uni or college.  

  6. go to the office[[ or counselor ]] darning the classes that you feel are to hard and tell them its too much and you can take it you HAVE to switch also have your parent call the school and tell them to take you out

    thats what i did and it really worked

    answer mines?;...

  7. Why don't you go talk to your counselor and asked him/her why did

    he/she put in that class?  You may have to be have your par-

    ents come to school with you and just tell him/her that you

    feel like your be overwhelmed by that course right now and

    would like to dropped it.

  8. enjoy your freshman year and take classes with people of your grade its great for making friends and go out and party dont be a band geek

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