
I have hit a fade to a slice for my entire life but i have started to hit a draw. what can cause this?

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i am 18 years old and have been playing consistent golf for almost four years. i swing hard and hit alot of balls with a fade since i was a little boy so i don't know what it is that i am doing to be hitting this draw can u tell me what i could do or what i am doing to draw i would apreciate all the help




  1. Could be a million different possibilities.  

    Hips and/or feet could be closed at address.

    Possibly coming over the top with a closed clubface.

    Too strong (not pressure, position) of a grip.

    The list is endless, however those three are the most likely.  I would have to see your swing to determine the cause.

  2. You are getting better because a draw beats a slice every time (draws have top spin which gets more roll), however once you get good you will learn to cut your irons because they stick better. A draw is generating from a better swing path usually, you will get an in-to-out shot which gets a draw.

  3. Well in a nutshell your clubface has gone from open at impact to closed at impact.  How you achieved that could be any number of things from set-up, grip, swing plane, body position?  But you should be happy.  The draw is so much more asthetically pleasing and I feel a more solid hit.

  4. keep your head down and make sure your not turning too quick on the down stroke. also keep a firm grip with your hands but dont let your arms tighten up.  hope this helps

  5. You are probably getting your hands to turn over better at impact, and therefore becomeing a better ball striker.  

    Embrace the draw, grasshopper.  It will serve you well.  

  6. Hips turn too quickly.  

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