
I have horrible anxiety and cant let go of the past help!!!!!?

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my sophmore year of high school i had so many friends and went to so many parties i was having the time of my life and then one night i was really drunk and hooked up with one of my friends ex boyfriends she found out about it and i dennied it and said it never happend and i kept on making up all these exuses and lied about a lot of things she told all my friends i was a liar and that they schouldnt hang out with me anymore i switched to a private school for my junior year and didnt talk to any of those ppl anymore even my best friend said she wanted nothing to do with me and i even got a text from this random number saying i heard you are a liar after that i felt like i just couldnt go out anymore and i didnt make any new friends at my new school i am scared that if i go to a party people are going to call me a liar its my senior year now and i havent been going out for a year now but i am sick of hidding and i met this girl who goes to there school and wants to take to parties and says that everyones over it but i am still so afraid i dont want to be knows as a liar because i am not i just want to go to parties and have fun again its my senior year now plzz help what can i do to get out of this depression and anxiety i just want to be the person i used to be with lots of friends who was happy




  1. everyone makes mistakes. and thats okay.

    making mistakes is part of learning.

    letting go of the past is okay too.

    the people at your old school need to get over it.

    stuff happens and you just gotta deal with it.

    you cant change the past.

    and if it was yerr best friends ex, and she dumped him, she doesnt have to right to be THAT mad at you. but if he dumped her, she may still have feelings for him and you may have hurt her.

    you should talk to that friend of yerrs and try to work everything out.

  2. did u regret it/ felt bad/ apologized?

    If you feel like you did nothing wrong, then what do you care?  Go out and if there's a problem, just leave.

    If you regret it, apologize again if people give you c**p.  There's nothing you can do to change the past.  Obviously you had a hard time with the situtaion since you changed schools.  Give it a try... go out.  And if people are still hating and not accepting an apology, keep your game face on and don't let them see you cry... just dip out.

    You only have one year left and then you'll be off to college where no one knows you and you can do whatever you want.

  3. wow you have no idea how much your situation relates to me.

    umm well i think you should go with the girl you met to parties, but play it safe but still have fun at parties. because honestly. that was two years ago, and if they can't get over it, then they are just being immature.  and it's not like the ex-boyfriend cheated on her, and besides you guys were drunk right?? well anyways, it's not like THEY have never lied in their life, so callign you a liar is REALLY hypocritical.

    i think you should just go out and have fun, because you're going away to college next year right? hopefully somewhere new so you can make a fresh start.

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