
I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Would it be too risky?

by Guest44887  |  earlier

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for me to go to Macchu Picchu in Peru (about 13,000 feet above sea level)




  1. It's probably not Machu Picchu itself that's the problem.  Machu Picchu is in the Amazon Cloud Forest and is considerably lower than the Cusco, which is the city from which virtually all tours to Machu Picchu launch.  Cusco is at 3,300 m, or 10,800 feet, above sea level.

    Certainly visit your doctor before embarking on a trip to Peru.  The altitude affects almost everyone, even the most healthy of athletes have trouble that high up.  Your doctor may be able to prescribe you epogen, or a similar substance, to help you deal with such a severe altitude change.

  2. I do not think Machu Picchu estaubicado to 2,438 meters above sea level you do not damage ara

    Already ido and i live in Lima


  3. see your gp first good luck

  4. It is advisable to see your GP or cardiologist for medical approval before travelling. I'm sure they will advise you on what is best, and what precautions, if any, you should take. It obviously depends on the state of your hypertrophy, and how hard your heart has to work; the sudden change in environment may mean that your heart has to work harder.

    You should also obtain information from your travel agent regarding insurance and the health care policy of the country you are visiting.

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