
I have icky yellow stuff in the corner of my eyes like every 10 minutes? What does this mean? HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been sick with a cold for a while. I recently developed a cough.

Starting today, like every 10 minutes I get a lot of that icky, yellow stuff in the corner of my eyes (especially the left eye). I remove it with a cotton swab, only to find out it reappears again within the next 10 minutes!




  1. woah sometimes this rarely happens to me in the morning . then it goes away. it was a eye booger

  2. Go




    Seriously, while that's how my friends describe pink eye, I've never had it. And the fact you've been sick and have been coughing kinda concerns me. Random people on the internet don't know. Doc-in-the-box does.

    Oh, oh, I forgot to add that sometimes that happens when I have a stye or get dust and makeup in my eye it will leak stuff. But that does sound pretty bad. It does seem like pink eye, but the twenty four hour clinic is your friend. It really is.

  3. my eye dr said it's possible to transfer a cold to your eye if you wear contacts.  ESPECIALLY if you don't wash your hands before putting the contacts in.  

    otherwise, it sounds like pink eye.  my daughter had it in Feb, and her eyes were NOT pink or red, but she DID have the yellow/green gunk in her eyes.

    see your dr!

  4. Possibly pink eye I would guess.

  5. my friend gets that too, maybe you what a lack of sleep? or an infection, you should go to the doctors and ask ,

  6. if your eyes are pink then u got da pink eye

  7. maybe its the makeup you use.

    you could be alergic to it

  8. u must have an eye infection... you need to go to the doctors

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