
I have ideas for young toddlers books.How do i go about getting them published / noticed?

by  |  earlier

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I have the pictures in my mind of how i want the book and know how i want it laid out.

I am based in uk




  1. Outline your ideas and send them to yourself by registered post (I think it is that one, it is the most expensive way to send things and you have to sign for them.)   Make sure they are well sealed.   Keep the envelope closed - if you have a dispute, it proves you had the idea first.

    Go to the library and look at similar books, find out who they were published by and write to them with a brief outline and see what happens!

    Good luck!

  2. got a few freinds? mayb they know some1 who can help publish your ideas - that worked w/ my g-mom and she use to make  children's books.

  3. Try them on children first if you can.  Telling a tale often make you change it slightly.  Also  most toddlers books are drawn rather than written and the writing is a bit basic.  You will have to send stuff off get the writers' and artists' yearbook from your library if you are in the UK. It is MOST informative.  Good luck.

  4. i think you should do a rough sketch on papers first.after that you bring to the publisher,any publisher that you know can sell your book,i mean kid's book and present to them.tell them your idea and who is your target?kids of what age?what kind of material  you wanted to used?how you wanted to promote your book?and most importantly,WHY AND HOW YOUR BOOK CAN GIVE PROFITS TO THE PUBLISHER.that is all they wanted to know.ANYWAY,GOOD LUCK!

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