
I have incorporated a tabletop fountain into my semi-outdoor pond. Is this OK?

by Guest32857  |  earlier

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I bought a cheap indoor fountain at a yard sale, part of it is missing but it works. The habitat is partially under the carport. I have protected all the wiring from the weather by putting it inside PVC pipe and using an outdoor outlet with some sort of breaker system. I also unplug all of it during storms. Is this OK? What else do I need to do?

Thanks for answers!




  1. I put one on top of a birdbath... it's working fine... my plugs and wires are not underwater, but I did wrap the connection with duct tape!...I think you made good use of a good deal!!.....  

  2. The main difference with indoor/outdoor would be waterproofing, or lack there of. Is the fountian submerged in the pond? Is any wiring submerged, or exposed, within the pond?

    I'm not really good with electricity so I tend to call on people who know more about it.

    Be careful.

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