
I have insomnia, can't sleep. Is there anyone I can talk to?

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I am happily married christian woman who just can't turn of her head. I am not looking for anything twisted, just ... I don't know.




  1. You can try chatting, for example load up Yahoo Messenger or MSN Live Messenger.  Also, there are many chat websites.  Do a Google search.  One chat site I used to frequent, but has gone downhill recently in my opinion, is .

  2. me. my husband works nights and cant sleep without him! :)

  3. drink warm milk before bed

    or workout before you go to sleep so that youll be really tired

    listen to classical music

  4. my best advice to you is to get a music cd...either classical or something with nature noises, i suggest thundering rainstorm or anything along those lines. I had this same problem a few months ago, and a friend of mine recommended it. I put the cd in before bed, and let it play all night, the first night it basically did nothing, but the second it worked wonders. VERY soothing. Hopefully it works for you. Good luck!

  5. I don't really know what to tell you.  i have had the same problem since I was a teenager, and it hasn't gotten much better.  For me it is anxiety, and if you think that's the case then you should see a therapist.

  6. Me!  I can never seem to fall asleep, email me @ (my main one)

  7. i have the same problem - have for years now ( im 16 btw) and i do a couple sudoku puzzles and it knocks me right out :)

  8. tire yourslef out like going to the pool and do some laps and get your body sore

  9. idk what you can talk to me if thats what your asking.. a way to pass the time. if your asking for help on this issure.. ive never been able to sleep... it takes me forever to fall asleep and i cant stay aseep.. or i wake myself up because i talk in my sleep..

    i found out that it helps if i tire myself out during the day.. like i work out like 5 hours before i go to bed.. then i do sleep better..

    hope i helped...

    have a nice slumber


  10. There's me, the weird misunderstood teen that every loves anyway. I've had insomnia before (for 2 years!). Try exercising more, a hot bath before bed, reading a boring book (how about Moby d**k (I've heard that book is very boring)), listening to classical music for a half hour before you go to sleep, or having a glass of warm milk. Hope I helped. =)

  11. pl check these remedies

  12. drink some tea or take a relaxing bath or shower rite before bed? if you still cant sleep then, lie down, focus on a constant sound in your room and just listen to it until you slip into sleep

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