
I have irregular periods, will i be able to have children?

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i started my period when i was 14 and now im 20 and between that time frame i have only had about 3-5 periods. i know thats very irregular but will i be able to have kids? me and my fiance been trying for the past 2months and i dont know if its me or him.




  1. Speak to an OB/Gyn they will be able to run some simple tests.

  2. GO TO A DOCTOR!!!

    omg only 3-5 periods some women might say thats just being lucky but u might not be able to have children or u might but not healthy...


  3. I have irregular periods, too...and 3 kids.

    You need to learn how to track your cycles so you can figure out if you are ovulating or not and when. Try the book, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." I don't like *everything* in that book, but the way she teaches you to track your cycles is awesome.

  4. U should definitely go to a doctor and have him do some tests on u to make sure there is nothing wrong with u.... Its very strange that u have only had 3-5 periods during 6 yrs..

  5. Chances are its just a timing issue. since you have to have s*x in a specific time frame, even if you are ovulating, its unlikely you're trying at the right time. I had this same problem. Whenever I am not on birth control my periods are crazy, one a year, or a period that lasts 2 months. Weird stuff!

    In order to get pregnant I was given a medication to make me start my period (Progesterone) which I'm sure you would need too. After that I was given Clomid, to bring on ovulation. With that combination I got pregnant the FIRST TRY! Pretty incredible! I'd say get into the doctor and talk about your options! If he doesn't mention what I suggested, I'd bring it up to him!

    Good Luck!!

    You will be able to have kids!

  6. That is not irregular...just 3-4 periods in that period of time is not good...go to doc first thing and get this need to have periods atleast couple months...

    Irregular is something get periods but not just at the same completely miss periods for months.

    Good luck

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