
I have irregular periods but trying to concieve it is now day 15 and still not ovulated!?

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My ovulation stick test say that i have not ovulated. could my ovulation be late or is that even possible?




  1. The ovulation sticks may not be working, or maybe you haven't ovulated this month.  

    If the same thing happens next month you should pay a visit to the doctor for a blood test.

    Best of luck.

  2. Day 15 is not late at all. Especially since since  you are irregular. Give it time!

  3. I do not ovulate until day 25 and i have about 37 day cycle :) So it could be that you just ovulate later and have a longer cycle :) Also make sure that you count the days from ovulation to when you get your period that way you know how long of a leutal phase you have(you need at least a 10 day leutal phase to become pregnant) implantation occurs during the leutal phase :) Good luck!

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