
I have jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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tommorow moring i dont want to go if i dont call what will happen




  1. You are REQUIRED to appear. When they take the roll call and you aren't there, a bench warrant for your arrest is issued immediately.  They will find  you and bring you before the court where you will be asked to "show cause" for you neglect.

    You can be found in contempt of court, fined and/or jailed.

    Just go.  I is your civic duty to serve as a citizen of the United States where we have trial by a jury of our peers.

    Most of the world doesn't have that.  In most of the world - the dictator, bossman, king or neighbor judge  you guilty and you are punished without trial.

    You better hope that if you ever have occasion to appear before the court on a civic matter that the jury is not made up of people with your attitude....

  2. They can cite your for not appearing. If it is like our system, you have to call in to find out if your number is up. They probably have caller ID and know you called.  Chances are you will not get picked; I've gone in 4 times and got picked once. At least they pay you for mileage....

  3. Probably nothing will happen. So many people don't go that it is impossible to enforce the laws that require you to go. Sometimes civic duty is a sacrifice. You should go. And you should go ready to do your part. I would not want to be the person who is hoping to get a fair day in court and have you in the jury pool if you are looking for a way to dodge your duty.

  4. You will be arrested.

  5. Possible warrant for contempt of court.

  6. part of becoming an adult  welcome to the real world don't start running away already

  7. They will put out a Bench Warrant for your arrest. The next time you get stopped for speeding or anything else, it's off to jail you go. Show up for jury duty, take a positive attitude, and do your duty as a citizen. Odds are, you'll be sent home without ever hearing any cases.

  8. If you haven't called the Clerk of Court to be excused, uh you can be held in contempt. Period.  You'd better find a way to go and appear and the clerk will have to formally excuse you.  You should have had to call in weekly.  I just got polled for JD and I have to start calling weekly in March through May.  It's your civic duty.  You have to go and you can't just not show up.  Trust me on this.  The first time I got called for JD from the city, I sent the card in, gave a viable reason and was excused.  This time I'm able to serve, so I'm going. End of discussion.

    Let me write what is on the tail end of my Summons for Petit Jury Duty letter of Notification:

    .............   Jury service is an opportunity and obligation to every citizen; there are very few exceptions allowed by law.  if you are scheduled to serve on jury duty and FAIL TO REPORT, the Judge may issue a show cause against you ordering you to appear at a later date, to show cause why you should not be held in contempt of court for failing to appear for jury duty.  It is imperative that you arrive at the specified time to avoid unnecessary delays or continuances.  .............Clerk of Court.

  9. Fine and jail time.

  10. don't risk it --call

  11. Trust me, you better go. If you don't I beleive they will find you, fine you or put you in jail.

  12. you have to go i went last yr sit in a chair 4 eight hrs. i think they well send you another notice just go and get it over with. love our gov.
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