
I have jury duty this Monday. What's the penalty for not showing up for Jury duty in the state of NJ?

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I have jury duty this Monday. What's the penalty for not showing up for Jury duty in the state of NJ?




  1. I don't know what the law is now, but I lived in NJ up until 8 years ago, and  what I DO know is that jury duty law kept evolving from strict to stricter.  Ie., no more waivers for mothers with small children, etc.

    Then twelve years ago my daughter was attending UCLA in CA when she was called for jury duty in NJ one summer.  Since she was still officially a NJ resident and since I, Mom, forgot to send in the Right Form, she was obligated to serve that summer in spite of her summer job.  I had to drive her from Cranbury to New Brunswick, and if you've ever driven in New Brunswick.....

    ....well, that's it's own nightmare.

    But don't mess with NJ jury duty.  They'll neither forgive nor forget.

    But here's the good news--I made a great friend during jury duty in PA.  Any time someone tells you to 'bring your own reading material,' then you know you've got a lot of time to kill.  Use it to make a new friend or two.

  2. The penalty is the same no matter what you do. The government will make you uncomfortable and not happy.

  3. Any person summoned for jury service who fails to respond or appear may be ordered by this court to appear at their own expense to show cause why they failed to comply with the summons. Any person failing to show good cause for non-compliance with the jury summons may be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than three (3) days, or both, pursuant to Title 28, USC Section 1866.

  4. a warrant will be issued for your arrest.  then all those people on jury duty, who dont want to be there, but are,  will stick it to you because you didnt show up like they did.

  5. unless you got your summons in person or by registered mail they can not prove that you knew that they wanted you to show up.

    If you just play dumb and are not defiant about showing up they will have to prove that you did not know and intentionally did not show up before they can do anything.

  6. I don't know about your state, but here, if you don't show up they can and will send the Sheriff's Deputy out to collect you. Then you can explain to the Judge in person why you ignored the written direction of the court.

    Much easier to just show up for jury duty.

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