
I have jury duty tomorrow. Any tips on how to avoid being chosen for a jury?

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I don't want to lie my way out, or anything like that. But I would be interested in any ideas people have for things a potential juror can do that will not get them in trouble, but will decrease their chance of actually having to serve on a jury.




  1. Shave your head, wear dischelveled clothing and sick in the back mumbling about mexicans and them d**n (N word here)


    While everyone is sitting there, stand up and start reading from Mein Kampf.  Be sure to really lay it on about the evil jews.

  2. Just answer the questions they give you honestly.  WHy try to avoid it.  It can be pretty neat!!!

  3. Just let them know you think for yourself.   That should do the trick.

  4. They will probably ask you if you have ever been convicted of anything..  Tell them the truth (You have broken the law thousands of times, but have only been convicted of ()

    You probably are starting out with a 30% chance of being selected.

    Tell the defendants attorney you can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at him.

  5. Just openly & honestly share your opinions - you must have some that aren't PC or some that would make the prosecution or defense want to nix you.

    I have never been chosen for jury duty...I always (honestly) tell them I am against capital punishment and am Mormon. One of those answers must do the trick - good luck!

  6. If its a murder case, if you say you support the death penalty, it could help your chances.  If its a rape case, if you say that you know someone that was raped, it can help.

  7. Knowing the person on trial for one

    But it is an Honor to serve on a Jury!  Get a grip, suck it up and act like a man!

  8. A word of warning..

    Watch out .. Lots of these old methods may land you in contempt!

  9. Keep a straight face and ask the judge two questions:

    1: Do we have the death penalty in this state?

    2: What color is the defendant?

    If you can do this w/out laughing, I guarantee you will never see the jury room.

    The judge may yell a bit, but as long as you stay serious, he can't do anything to you.

  10. Just tell them you are a bigot.  It will keep you from ever being called again!

  11. I understand why people would want out of a jury, but it still baffles me. This is one small price to pay to be a part of the judicial system and be an American!

    While I've never been called to jury duty, I would gladly go and offer my time. God forbid that I would have to go to court and wind up with a jury that doesn't want to be there and doesn't care.

    I can't give you tips to avoid duty in good faith. Just go and serve your community.

  12. Standup in the middle of court and yell.....GUILTY!!!!

  13. If you know police, journalists, lawyers, etc it may help you walk away. If it is a civil trial, probably not. If you have been selected before, it is likely you will be selected again.

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