
I have just adopted a little boy am i allowed to get him circumcised?

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I have just adopted a little boy am i allowed to get him circumcised?




  1. Yes because he is your boy

  2. OUCH! God no!!! Let the little guy be free

  3. If he's legally adopted then you can since you have the rights to make medical decisions for him.

    It is, however, an excruciatingly painful and unnecessary procedure to put him through. He was born with a perfect body, you don't need to alter it. I suggest you do more research before you decide to do this.

  4. Yes. You should be making all the medical decisions for him.  I adopted my son 3 years ago, and had him circumcised when he was a week old.

  5. I would no more advocate having a male child circumsized than I would having a female child circumsized.

    It's a painful procedure that's medically unnecessary.

  6. If the adoption is final, you're ALLOWED to, yes.  But the question is, SHOULD you?  

    Please research circumcision thoroughly.

  7. WOW. Legally? If the adoption is finalised and you live in a America, yes, you can. However, its a VERY cruel thing to do to any child. Presumably you adopted because you love children, why would you want to go and do somthing so horrible to him? -Neb

  8. this is touchy...

    -if the adoption is not not finalized then i would really not do it without informing the fmom.  circs' are very touchy areas for most people, and many have reservations.

    circumcision is something i think should be the person who owns the p***s...IMHO.

  9. Thank GOD, there are some sane people who have already told you to think this through carefully.  Adopted Jane has given you some excellent links.  I'm actually a member of Catholics Against Circumcision myself.  

    Seriously, think about the fact that you've just adopted this perfect little boy who has already been through an emotional trauma being taken from his mother.  Would you want him to then associate being with you with the pain and confusion of having his genitals surgically altered?  How could he trust you after that?  Just think about it. Please.

  10. Is the adoption finalized?  If not, then I believe the answer is "no".  When we adopted our son, he was placed with us at the age of 3 months but we were not able to finalize the adoption until he was almost 2 yrs old.  My understanding was that we could make medical decisions for our child on immediate issues during placement, but that circumcision was not an immediate issue unless a doctor indicated it was.  Once we finalized, we became his legal parents and then we could make any decision we wanted, but we chose not to have it done as he had other life-threatening concerns that would have been complicated by having a circumcision done at his age.

  11. it is up to you if youwant to do this or not...this is your child now and responsible for his well being.....

  12. If you adopted him, then yes you can.

    Why would you want to though??!!


  14. yes he is your son

  15. If you adopted him he is not just a little boy he is your son.

    When considering having your son circumcised you should talk to his doctor.

  16. If the adoption is final, you can certainly choose this option for your son.  He is now legally your child, and you have the right to make medical decisions for him.

  17. Yes Daddy.

  18. In the USA nowadays only half of boys get circumsized, compared to about 90% a few decades ago.  That's because its no longer viewed as medically necessary.

    You might be 'allowed' to have him circumsized, but you should *seriously* reconsider, and do some proper, thorough research.

    Personally, if I had just adopted a little boy, I'd love and cherish him as he is, and not start the relationship by cutting bits of his genitals off...

  19. It appears from the ratings on the answers thus far that the jury is out on this one, I think I'll keep my opinion to myself! I wish you the best.

  20. You are now this child's legal parent HOWEVER you should do serious RESEARCH into Circumcision

    It is NOT common practice these days to circ

    Rather it is common practice NOT TO CIRCUMCISE

    Below are some links and please do research yourself by googling Circumcision

    There are sites that will show you the procedure using a plastibell and the other way.

    IMO Circumcision is a outdated barbaric practice and as its not the norm these days to have it done its far better to leave your little boy intact, he will be the same as the majority of other little boys, he will have better sexual pleasure and he will thank you for leaving him intact

    If when he is a Adult he wishes to have it done then he can have a general anasthetic and have it done, but shouldnt it be his choice as to whether HIS p***s is intact or not ? he was born this way with a f******n, he should have the right to choose.

    I mean he has already lost his roots and his hereditary, his mother PLEASE don't take anything else away from him

    TRUST ME He will appreciate you so much more

    ETA I have more Links for you to read

    QUOTE Every year more than one million American infants undergo an operation that the American Pediatric Association declared unnecessary more than a decade ago. With the exception of episiotomy, circumcision is the most common unnecessary surgery performed in the United States. Doctors, midwives and parents have an obligation to stop this contraindicated procedure. There is no reason to keep this cruelty alive. If you doubt this ask yourself this question: why are children fastened to an elaborate immobilizing device called a circumstraint which holds the infant down as he screams? UNQUOTE

    THE FOLLOWING LINK is a PICTURE OF A ACTUAL CIRCUMCISION if you have a strong stomach and want to actually see what happens then look

    ETA I cant believe how many people are ignorant about this subject !

    Thank god that there are those that are not.. Im working on a blog atm about this and the effect of Circ and Adoption combined...serious SERIOUS repercussions and just setting the aparent for huge resentments more than usual involved in adoption

    People only ever think of the *NOW* never the *future*

    ETA Well now I am P'od right off check out this OP's Questions and answers BLAH what a waste of MY EFFORT AND ENERGY

  21. You have the legal right.  However, since he's no longer a newborn baby, I hope you're considering this surgical procedure for some medically sound reason and not just for "appearance" sake.  More and more families are opting not to have their babies circumcised, so your little guy may not be the "spectacle" in gym class when he's older that you may be afraid of.

  22. You don't have to talk to anyone about that decision, not his doctor or any of us on Yahoo Answers!  because you are his parent.  It is a personal choice.  (and a wise one)

  23. Yep, you adopted him, now you get to treat him as if he was yours by blood, hes yours for real now:) congratulations on your new boy.

  24. Yes, but you might want to research it a little and make sure it is what you want.  

    I am a Christian and I reasoned not to have it done for our boy who is now 6 months.  It is strictly a Jewish and custom and does not provide health benefits like once was thought.  One more reason I chose not to was the s*x factor.  Better s*x for him and her by not having this done.

    Hope your kid is not over five! Ouch!

  25. Circumcision is an unnecessary barbaric violent act against a helpless male child! I see this causing some serious trust issues and could potentially halt the bonding process. How about you get circumcised and then decide if you want to force him too. Shame on you there is a very good reason his first mother didn't circumcise him!!!

    A human being has a right to decide for themselves if they want their genitalia mutilated.

  26. I know we don't have any other details, but I'm a little puzzled by your question.  If you adopted your son, then you are his parent, and you can make those kinds of decisions just as you would for a child that was born to you.  You do get that, right?

  27. how old is he? he might be too old. when my parent adopted my brother he was 8 weeks and thats too old. I think it has to be done with in 2-3 days after birth other wise it is extreamly painful for the baby.

  28. You are definetly allowed to. He's legally your son now. But consider the consequences if he is old enough to remember getting snipped. Talk to his doctor about it if you want to schedule a circumcision.

  29. why wouldnt you be able too... hes your child.

  30. Of course, he is your little boy now, you can do whatever medically you want with him. Just take him to his doctor and talk to him/her about it.

  31. Yes you can.

    I will add that my preference was not to have it done...  but support my son if he wanted it done later in his life.

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