
I have just bought a HDMI dvd player to go with my HDTV,i connected it using HDMI cable ok,?

by  |  earlier

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it says on the dvd (player) box that it up converts dvd's?? Now i keep seeing HD DVD'S for sale and am a bit confused,do i need to buy these new dvd's to get a better quality pic or normal dvd's ok? Why they keep changing it all the time bloody money grabbers? Please help Mr confused




  1. Just because your DVD player has an HDMI output doesn't mean it will play HD DVDs. If it *is* an HD DVD player then you won't notice any real difference if you play a normal DVD. Play an HD disc.

    It will "upscale" normal DVDs for your HD TV. i.e. make the picture higher resolution by stretching it.

    I was under the impression that HD DVD was going to die, and BluRay was going to be the accepted standard for high definition DVDs?

  2. Companies wants money and because blu ray is not doing well they are woking on Red X claims to be better than blue ray ech disk of Red X would hold 120gb each and is thicker than normal disc.

    If you follow the technology by the pace it is going, then you wont be able to keep up. so be happy with what you got, forget about being upto date with technology.

    Ok anyways, if you want better picture than ofcourse you need to buy the HD DVD's.

  3. i THINK you buy the better HD discs from now on but it will play your older normal dvd's at a slightly better quality than normal, but not as good as the HD discs

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