
I have just followed a link from rico to you tube...?

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how embarrassed i feel to be a rangers fan excuses just utterly ashamed .

please don`t any rangers fan defend it....sad sad day




  1. Theres the sad people from both sides of the old firm.And beyond

  2. i know struthie its embarrassing i watched the link earlier and felt sick

  3. i know Struthie, it's simply awful what they done but we celtic fans must also realise that this is the minority and not all of you are like that. (i hope).

    Just ignore idiots like these, they dont like football, they're just trouble makers ruining it for everyone else.

  4. we are not all like that..i'm sure if we kept answering with links from other fans we would find the idiotic element who follow all football teams....its not just rangers fans..and no offence to anyone but some people need to get over blaming rangers fans for everything and look a bit closer to home

  5. I think we all can agree that only morons drop to that level, I count myself as a bit of a bigot ( for 90 mins old firm day) but have friends who support rangers and know that they are decent blokes who are just as offended with the sick stuff as I am,Celtic have these idiots as well so as long as the rest of us show we won't accept that behaviour then it'll soon end

  6. absolutely disgusting but its not confined just to the blue side of the divide.luckily it is a small element but no matter the size,it is still too much.would love to see the majority shout out the retards and then they might wind their necks in a bit.still think the clubs could do more to curb it esp ibrox where it is more rife.

  7. I didnt see the link but there are good and bad in every walk of life. I am truly proud to be Glaswegian but no not like any sectarianism, it is sad, are you all like me?As most of my loved ones blood ties, step relatives, and marriage partners to them, they have are either a Rangers or Celtic fan  in a joky way , but I have never met any true bigots. I blame bevy alcohol is at the root of it in many cases. I just wish everyone could get along as I am quite humanitarian and dont like anyone hurt,insulted, or picked upon because of race, colour, etc.I don't have any union or affiliation with any 'side'. I only come in here to read the nice things people do and say in type , and the good side and camaraderie side which suits me, and the humour is brill . I hate divides and  anything that excludes people is wrong in my opinion. I hope that these people sobered up and felt terrible remorse whatever it was that happened in the vid. dont feel sad you are a lovely fella, and it wasnt YOU;anyone taking a cheap pop at someone less able , or who has passed away or otherwise unable to defend themselves, is a sadistic horrid human. they are a minority and a disgrace whatever they have done or said.

    Rise above it, you and all the people here, are nice and civil.

  8. hey, im not blocked

    yes i no longer feel sorry for mysell, just for you now, getting hunners a shite answers from me,

    pretty much like this one

  9. that is the good thing about life is we are not all the same there is bad on both sides mr struth and good eh and my brother is a bad one he is a rangers fan hehe

  10. omg will we ever get rid of these idiots,it is shameful and I apologise to all celtic fans for this.I am not going to defend them in the slightest,if I knew who they were I would report them.

    How the bloody h**l did they get into the ground with a banner that size,does no-one ever get searched going into grounds nowadays.They couldn't have folded it up that small so no-one would notice.At least these idiots would have been caught straight away and dealt with.

  11. Thank-you for posting this Struthie. I know you as a very decent and staunch Rangers man but this in no way indicates anything other than sick and bitter bile from those who are haters. There are these elements on both sides of the divide but you and I will never become such haters.

    Again I thank-you on behalf of all the decent minded people who loved Tommy Burns and cherish his memory.

  12. I don't look at links, but I will hazard a guess that it refers to the idiots who mocked Tommy Burns and Phil O'Donnell ?

    On the other hand, let's not assume that everyone feels the same ?

  13. HAIL HAIL Brother!

  14. lets see it then. where is it?

    Aye thats a bit sick. nae need for that.  shameful.

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