
I have just found out that a local repair shop has been illegally dumping waste.What should I do?

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My husband has been bringing his truck there for years to get it worked on. He told me last night that the shop's owner has a drain in the floor, down which all waste-oil, antifreeze, etc., is poured, after which it exits the drain,and is dumped onto the ground outside-by means of a hose attached to the drain.There is no collection device outside. The garage is located within one half mile, or less, of a river,and is also near wetlands. I know I must report this, but do not want my identity to be revealed. To whom should I report this, and how? Note: all of the shop's employees, including one who professes love for the environment, have known about this for years, and have done nothing about it.




  1. I would really report that, that's a shame.  Make some calls or something find out, but that needs to be reported.

  2. It would be great if you could document the outfall drain and hose located outside the shop with a photograph.  Is the drain on public property?  Then take the information to "Berkeley Planet" and other local newspapers as well as the local EPA for action.

  3. Contact your local Police dept, along with the LAW enforcement division of your State EPA outlet,,, they

    will take it from there.

  4. Assuming you're in the USA, I'd contact the state department of environment. You'll find them under state government phone listings in your white pages.

  5. Do a Yahoo search like the one below but include your county name and state name to find the proper place in your area, most of the times you can report anonymously, besides how is he going to find out? When they go to investigate, it's not like they are going to say "so and so, who is your customer, reported this to us" You know what I mean? be strong and confident and protect your neighborhood and Planet Earth. You are obviously concerned, do something about it! Good luck. If that doesn't work, get your neighborhood businesses in on it or go to your House of Reps representative, its in his background, let's hope that he would get involved

  6. Contact the EPA, or the local police departments environment division.

    Or, if you don't want to be named and think this is a big issue, contact the local media, tell them the story, and how you don't want to be named.

    They might pick the story up, and the EPA and city will be FORCED to deal with the situation.

  7. It is your duty to report the offense to the EPA and then go on vacation, for your own safety make it a long one.

  8. give the owner a chance to rectify the matter ,

    say unless he does something you have to report him

    you got a good case being a local ,

    he cannot continue

    to contaminate the environment

    your children are growing up in

    bring it out in the open incite the school to

    protest than it is of your back

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