
I have just found out that my husband and I will need IVF. I feel so upset that I have taken a few days off.?

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I am due back tomorrow but I don't feel ready. I am very down in the dumps and tearful. Do you think my Dr will sign me off work for a few more days just so I can get myself together?

Thank you




  1. Definitely get a sick note. When I had some similar news I was also deverstated. Take a couple more days - I also found it easier talking to some of my close work friends - so if you are close to people at work , talk to them cos it helps

  2. You need to get back in the game or you'll just spiral into major depression.

    Go to work and get on with your life.  There is worse news to get from a doctor.  Trust me.

  3. You can try. Go back when you are ready.

    Just to let you know though. My sister had IVF after years of trying unsuccessfully for a baby. She got pregnant first time and has twins.

    Good Luck.

  4. wow people. i honestly cant see why people want to get pregnant so bad! ADOPT A CHILD. no medical bills.

    there are so many children that have been abused and neglected, and need a loving home!

    and btw, im not trying to be rude or anything. its the truth.

  5. Some people on here are sooo rude, you know what i wish that they don't go through what we have to go through.

    I was in a situation like yours not that long ago, and I think that having a few days off will probably help you if you feel your not ready.

    I didn't ,though i wished i did because i felt that it took me a long time to get it into my head the possibilities of IVF.

    The up side to all this, is your not alone and when your feeling down go on here because theres plenty of people going through the same thing.

    The main thing is you and your partner, concentrate on you both because IVF and the world of infertility is a long rollercoaster.


  6. you work on a bank holiday monday?

    ask your dr, im sure he/she will

  7. hey, just think that if you do ivf you could end up with twins! how old are you? just keep telling yourself that you'll get the baby u want in the end! and i think your doc will def. be sympathetic and give you another sick note. take care.x

  8. your doctor should help you out! IVF is not a bad thing my sister is pregnant with her second IVF baby and it worked both times the first try.. i am also in the IVF process. you are not alone =0) God bless and wish you the best!!

  9. You'd have to ask your doctor, but if you are that down, they might. I'm sorry you are so stressed by the IVF and  wish you the best of luck. The procedure has come a long way, so try not to worry! :)

  10. Oh god im sorry to hear that :( Your doc should deffo be able to grant you a few more days to try pull yourself together a wee bit.

    Again im sorry to hear that. And wish you all the best in the future.

    Take Care x*x

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