
I have just found out that my latest girlfriend is a Country & Western fan. What can i do?

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I have just found out that my latest girlfriend is a Country & Western fan. What can i do?




  1. approach her from behind , tackle her ,wrestle her to the floor and hold her until the police arrive .

  2. Try having an open mind. There could be worse things that she is into besides country western music. Relationships are about give and take. Whatever music you like, you can always share with her as well.

  3. Buy a cowboy hat and get some line dancing lessons

  4. Well, if you truly like her tolerate the music and perhaps try to listen to a bit of it.  Perhaps you should also try to indulge in some activities that you might like to try that involve this theme.  That is given that she goes to yours as well.  If the street isn't two-way meaning there is give and take in the relationship, you should drop it like its hot.  On the other hand if she thinks she is a bull rider you could be in for a lot o' fun!!

  5. There is only one thing for it. Expose her to Hip hop and  RnB, In MASSIVE quantity's. That should get her over this "phase" she's going through.

  6. Buffalo girls go 'round the outside and you can saddle them up and you can ride 'em hard and they smoke Marlboro and they prospect for gold as well.... Yea-haw!  xx

  7. it's a tricky one pete're gonna have to let her down gently just tell her i really like you but this relationship has no future so let's be two heart breaking even and go our seperate know in your heart of hearts it's the right thing to do...good luck

  8. what ever you do dont say you are a fan too

  9. stand by her, man

  10. Sounds like you should break up with her.

  11. have fun!!!

    you don't need to like the music...but you should tolerate it because those women are WILD and are the most fun to be around...

  12. country and western is no longer said anymore, its just country and you could do the boot scootin boogie, chill out man, remember, it's five o'clock somewhere

  13. Nothing. There isn't anything wrong with her liking country music. Listen for yourself you might actually some of the songs.

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