
I have just got a hamster and have questions about the cage...........

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I have a : Superpet Crittertrail 2, and my black bear hamster keeps sniffing it. he trys to get the carott on the top floor but by climbing the bars not going in the tube. also he hasnt used the wheel either. solution= 10 pts best answer




  1. All he needs is some time to get used to the cage. Think about it: it's a new environment, you know nobody, and you are miles away from where you grew up. How would you feel? In a month or so if he doesn't change, either call a vet, research his behavior, or buy a new cage. Maybe it is the bedding or the food that needs to change. Who knows? Try different solutions and see what works. Good luck!

  2. well alot of hamster like climbing bars many of mine do the exact same, does he fit well through the tube? if not he will prefer goin up the bars .some hamsters take time to learn how to use the wheell try putting him on it at times , he might feel trapped in the small space of the tubes , often when predators come along the hamsters first response is to run and he or she probably feels if a predator was to come along that would be a restricted not safe arrea to be and he or she probably thinks its a kind of danger zone if eny predators were to attack , its natural instinct really  

    hope this all  helps

  3. Give him time. If you just got it he'll need to get used to the new environment. He probably won't exercise right away, when he is used to the cage he will start to use the wheel more often. Good luck!

  4. I have a hamster, they do that kinda stuff.  Just interact with him, tap on the tube with some food in your hand and stuff like that.  Mine didn't go in his wheel right away either, just give it some time and lots of love!

  5. get another cage and see if he likes it better...if he does sell the cage on craigslist

  6. My opinion, CritterTrail is not a good cage for Syrians.

    You have a two layer one, there is the risk of him falling and hurting himself.

    I would suggest doing a little research on bin cages, they are, in my opinion, best for Syrians, and dwarfs. You add as many bins as you'd like to it. And normally are cheaper than regular hamster cages.

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