
I have just had a call from my sons head teacher and not sure how to deal with this?

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He has been at an activity camp all weekend with the school and as far as I can gather..(no details yet) he and another boy (they are both 11) didn't like one of the assistants who was doing football training with them. They decided to hide his bag (stupid, I know, I know...and I will deal with it) but when he found out what they had done he literally pushed them around and really shouted at them, quite upsetting both of them because his reaction was so aggressive. There was no lasting harm done to either boy and the leader has since been sacked and I will be speaking to my sons teacher tomorrow to get the finer details but I am so angry that he should have pushed my son, am I expected to let it lie there?..I am really not sure what do do, if anything. Do I put this down to experience, am I making too much fuss?




  1. Too much fuss for sure. First off, what did the boys expect? That he would find his bag and say "oh ha ha, very funny guys" and that life would go on as normal? Not hardly. Guys are more aggressive by nature. They touched his personal belongings which is always off limits. He only pushed them and shouted at them, so I'm guessing there were no bruises or anything of the sort. Maybe next time your son and the other boy will think before they touch something that doesn't belong to them.

  2. Wow that is NOT good and I can hear you loud and clear!  If that was my son I would be ragin to the point of tracking down the B*****d who DARED touch my son in such a manner and show him what I would do with such a bully!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You could try the avenue of GBH...if you want to report the matter to the Police...he could get a caution...?  I would think long and hard about all avenues, and is this man likely to work with kids again because he is clearly NOT suited to that type of work hun!

    Good Luck and I hope your son is okay he must have been scared!!!

  3. no your not making a fuss,how do teachers expect kids to respect them if they go around doing that.maybe the boys shouldnt have hidden their bags but surely the teacher could of dealt with this in a  better way than voilence because thats what it is and if a pupil were to push a teacher they would be excluded .i know teachers have alot to deal with but thats no excuse id be mad .

  4. I would get the details and talk with the camp director about it.  An 11 yr old is a kid and isn't expected to use good judgement all the time.  The employee that assaulted him must be several years older, I would think 16 at least and at a job you are expected to act mature.  I am sure at 11 the consequences your son and his friend considered as a possibility did not include assault.  I would consider pressing charges.  I don't like the fact that the employee would put his hands on a much younger and smaller kid, he should have known better.

  5. hey he shouldnt have done that but at least hes been sacked, well you could take legal action but i think that is slightly ott, make sure he wont work in schools again.

  6. if nothing was done then i would say get something done

    however he has been sacked so there is nothing more to do

    if he applies anywhere else it will immediatly come up that he was fired

    then the new employer will call the former employer to find out why he was fired

    and with aggressive behaviour the reason it is very unlikely he will be hired at a school again

  7. i think your making too much fuss about it.. boys will be boys and he has to learn if he dishes it out he will have to take what he gets back in return.

    i think that is whats wrong with the world parents getting involved too much in things like this. when i was a kid if we did wrong in the neighbors yard they had the right to punish us as if they were our parents, and you better not run home and tell mom or dad because you would get it worst from them.

  8. No you're not making a fuss. You're making sure your kid is safe and that's good. Make sure your kids okay. After that you need to see if you signed a waiver or something. Usually the school is protected and since the coach was under the school he's safe. He didn't damage the children either so a case wouldn't be worth much. He got fired. After that there's not much you can do besides scream at the school which is pointless because they can't do anything for you either. I suggest you just make sure your kid is okay and then try to move on. You could track down the coach and yell at him but it won't change what's already happened and it's borderline stalkerish.

  9. Has this bloke been checked out? 'cos I'm sure if it was one of mine, i would take it as far as can go, and perhaps further.

  10. Not at all.......personally as a protective mother that I am...I prolly would have found him and knocked him on his A@@. But really no, make sure that your child is ok, sometimes these things can be scary for the children, then make sure that the school and everyone else knows. Make sure that it ruins his repuatation as a dont want this to happen to any other children.

  11. too much fuss. No matter how much you love your children, don't always wish their life is a happy path, and a bed of roses. be grateful to the assistant who has been agressive, over your son's actions. this gives him a chance to learn, to think, and to set boundaries, between what is accepted, and what is not. why did he not like that assistant in the first place. apparently, the assistant was assertive, and controlling, so your son did not like being supervised by a focused supervisor. If you agree with your son that he had been a victim of agressiveness, then you are spoiling him, and telling him, it is ok, to misbehave, and it is someone's fault if they don't agree. the assistant presented a  challenge and thats exactly, what children need to experience now and then,  for them to understand that any action they take has its consequences, so that they will learn to distinguish between right and wrong. by the way, did you spare a thought for the assistant 's mother heartbreak, in case her son, reported to her, how unruly, and spoiled were the kids he had to supervise over the wk end. may be the two of you should meet and have a face to face argument over whose son was a prat. it is a storm in a tea cup. don't be overprotective of your children, let them learn, and grow. that would do them a world of good.

  12. no your not making to much of a fuss. it is a big deal but it the guy has already been canned and you son is not hurt (did not have to go to the hospital) then there really isnt much more you can do, sorry. but definitely talk to the teacher and your son good luck

  13. hey the guy has had the sack, and that will show up when looking for another job, we all have bad days and maybe your boy caught him on one of those days, it is no excuse,he should not have behaved like that, but he has lost his livelihood, all should learn from this, you could talk to your boy, tell him it was no way to behave just because he didnt like the assistant. anything could have been in his bag, medication, valuables, wallet etc

  14. It's physical assault, no ifs or buts. I would call the police if I were you.

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