
I have just had my second son and am struggling with my weight, I have always been quite slim. ?

by  |  earlier

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Now I just feel enormous and disgusting, my husband says he loves me but I know I disgust him I can see it in his eyes. I feel repulsive and refuse to leave the house, and wont go anywhere with him, 1. because I feel disgusting 2. I dont want to embarress him. s*x is just not even a consideration and any time I have made myself do it for him, I end up leaving the room afterwards so i can ball my eyes out. I want him to leave me so he can be happier. Is there something wrong with me?




  1. Sounds like post-partuem (bad spelling award for me) depression.  Go get some help from a therapist.

  2. Oh sweetie, you need to see a therapist about this.  You just had a baby and it's only natural that you would be carrying some extra weight.  Find a therapist who specializes in post partum care hopefully she can help you work through these issues.  Give yourself a break.  In the mean time, eat healthy and get some exercise when you can.  I know I always feel a little better about myself when I know I am doing what's best for my body healthwise.  I wish you all the best!

  3. well lady. just get a good ab workout every nite and your weight problems should be gone

  4. umm yeah... its just wieght... Everyone gains weight with pregnancy, it just depends if you respect yourself enough to go out and get rid of it. And it sounds like your husband loves you. You should seriously talk to him. He dosn't love you for your body- but for who you are. Inside.

  5. go for counseling and also start to exercise and gain your confidence you will give the weight off in time dont worry, but talk to your OBGYN and tell her how you feel she should help you. I feel the same way sometimes because I was always slim to, and now I have a belly which is sagging uhhh i hate it but what are you going to do, think of it this way you have a beautiful healthy son. its worth it! Good luck!

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