
I have just passed army selection for rmps,but my start date isnt till 23rd feb,wondering why the long wait? ?

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What training should i be doing to get my self prepared for the army?

thanks x




  1. I swore in july 1985 and I didnlt go to basic until dec. 1986. thats the military.

  2. The Military has to organize schools and population to fill as many seats as possible in the classes.

    For, do push ups, sit ups, chin ups until you are so tired.  Thes start all over again.

    Thanks for serving our country.  I appreciate your sacrafice. Be safe and good luck.

  3. Start doing daily excersises. Running, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. Don't push yourself, cause you're just going to hurt yourself, and prevent from getting better. Start off slow.. like a jog around the block or so, and then increase a little bit every other day. Remember to set realistic goals. Ex: Today I want to run .5 mi. Not: Today I'm going to run 6mi, when you've never ran before.. Talk to your recruiter too, they should be able to give you some info on basic military knowledge. Like 1st aid stuff, rank, medals, etc.  

  4. Get down to your nearest Gym - explain you are going into the Royal Military Police on c23rd Feb 09 and that you want a fitness regime so that you will be ready and fit.

    RMP official Website UK

    Between now and Feb 09 - find out as much as you can about the work and history of the RMP.

    Google links RMP

    Massed Bands - Queen's Birthday Parade 2006 Horseguards.

    Here is HM's favourite military march.  What is it called?  Find out about this and more about our Sovereign - take the Queen's shilling etc.

    Old soldier [1957-1965]

  5. As mentioned by the other contributers you should use this time productively so by the time you hit phase 1 your in top shape mentally and physically.

    You've got bags of time to get your phys squared away so come feb you should be able to belt out a mile and a half in under 9.30, be able to comfortably perform 65 plus press ups in 2 mins and 70 plus sit-ups in the same time frame.

    These are not figures i've just plucked out of thin air as im a serving soldier and these are the results I would expect from a soldier arriving in my platoon or troop straight out of training.

    In the british army personnel fitness is a matter of pride so don't let yourself down in this area.

    Good luck.

  6. hey!! i've got my selection date for in 2 weeks,i know its nothing to do with your qustion but if you have any tips for me before i go i would be grateful :-) thanx xx

  7. Talk with your recruiter to see if there are some training materials.

    You should learn about chain of command. At least the DEP chain of command for now. That is something you will learn in basic. It starts with President Bush, Sec Robert Gates, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff, etc. Get a list from your recruiter and memorize it. You will need to know all that stuff in basic.

    Learn all the rank structure. Recognize the rank insignia.

    Learn all your general orders. (Each branch has different ones. So get those from your recruitercruter.) You will have to know that stuff.

    Learn a little Army history. It helps.

    Like everyone else said start working out. Go on walks at first then build up to a run. It depends on your current physical activity now. If you played high school sports keep it up and pick up the pace, if you are not active, start getting out and doing more.

    I would try to be able to do a few push-ups and sit ups and run at least 2 miles before I get there. You will do a lot more than that by the end of basic. But it is easier if you prepare.

    Don't watch Full Metal Jacket (ok, watch it but don't get too scared if you do. It was a good movie...but that is old-old school boot camp.)

  8. Your ship date is so far away because that's when the next open slot is. If you want to ship sooner let your recruiter know and he/she can keep an eye on the shipping slots and inform you if one opens up.

    As far as prep... do push ups, sit ups, crunches, pull ups, and run like crazy (3 miles +).

    Talk to your recruiter if you need help for a work out schedule (that's part of what they're there for).

  9. The same thing happened to me.  The reason why was that was when Basic and my AIT school would run one after the other, rather than first basic, then waiting for a class to start or open up.  All of them are right, run, push-ups, sit-ups.  Grow a really thick skin.  Some of the people I went to basic with had never been shouted at or told to do things that they didn't want.  We had a 30 percent drop out rate due to physical injuries and 'failure to conform'.  Good luck and maybe I'll see you in the field.

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