
I have just recentely started playing magic the gathering again and wanted to make a legal TYPE II burn deck.?

by  |  earlier

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for starters i have 23 basic lands. a mix between red and black (more red). i didn't know if nonbasics were necesary.

i was hoping to make the deck red/black with cinders/flamekin as the creature base. here are the creatures (15) :

ashenmoor liege x1

nova chaser x1

kulrath knight x2

demigod of revenge x2

flamekin bladewhirl x3

pyre charger x3

flamekin harbinger x3

then for the other spells i have straight burn spells. no artifacts, enchantments, or planeswalkers. here they are (22):

blaze x4

flame javelin x4

shock x4

incinerate x4

titan's revenge x4

tyrannize x2

i want to make a good deck but dont know how because i dont know the strengths or weaknesses of most burn decks. i would like some guidance with what spells to include and if i should have just burn spells and flamekin or should i branch out and include more types of spells or creatures. please help me, i'm a rookie!




  1. hey, i'm not sure how to make a deck but i bought out a delinquint storage building and i have about at least 1000 cards if you wanna buy them! i'm not sure what they are worth b/c i don't know anything about them but i have kind of skimmed through them and most of them are in sets of 4 some even 5. email me if you're interested!!

    Good Luck!

  2. this is not an answer


    i havent played maj in ageeesss

    i used to have a damage deck but found in tournys against skilled apponents i got raped, you need to even out creatures

    i use a elf deck now but the N00Bish

  3. If you want to make a truly awesome and pwnage deck then make a slither deck, they all contribute to each other by having "all slivers have [insert power here]" they are difficult to make but will annihilate most opponents you will encounter.  

    If you want to do a fire deck then look for a card called 'book burning' it is really cheap (think its 1fire and 2any to play) and it does instant 5damage to player. which is insane.

    Personally i love black and fire but hey thats me crazy mix of damage dealing mayhem.

  4. What a freakin DORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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