
I have just seen a transaction on my paypal account. It is saying that there is a debit for paypal rapidshare

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for the amount of 47.00. I have never heard of this and don't even know what it is. I do have a paypal account through ebay but nothing about rapidshare is on there. Does anyone know what this is?




  1. I have seen another post about this and he claims that he contacted paypal who refused to accept that it was a fraudulent transaction

    First of all change all your passwords to Paypal, and check your pc for spyware/loggers.  Then get onto Paypal customer service and state clearly this is a fraudulent transaction

    If your paypal account is linked to a credit card, then do the same (you can usually claim back the amount if Paypal don't do anything)

    At the same time get onto Rapidshare customer service as well  I had my Rapidshare account hacked and within 2 mins of calling it was back with me.  The least they can do is to reassign the account back to the Email address that accompanies the paypal account which was used to buy it (which would be yours) and you can change the password and locker.  It will at least annoy the person who took out this account with your money. Rapidshare can also trace his/her IP address.  They were really helpful with me

  2. Rapidshare is a file sharing service (like Kazaa, Limewire, etc.) If you sign up for their service, they take their payment via Paypal. Did you or someone in your family download some files from them? You may have signed up for a membership without realizing it.

  3. You should contact PayPal right away, and file a dispute/claim on their website. You'll probably be able to recover the missing money if you did not authorize this purchase.  

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