
I have just started working at a Burger King in Ontario. My boss put down that I was working full-time.?

by  |  earlier

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First of all, would anybody know what all the benefits are when working at Burger King. Second of all, would working 30 hours be considered full-time.




  1. when you work about 32 hrs that considers a full time im not sure bout 30

  2. Is your boss planning on giving yo 40 hours? -Thats' full time.

  3. 40 hours a week is full time, unless Ontario is different than the United States.

    As for benefits, I  wouldn't know about that.  However, ask you boss for a handbook on the rules and regulations. That wouldn't be a pamphlet with generalities.  If he asks why, just tell him you need it for a class assignment and will bring it back or you could come up with a better reason than mine.  Come to think about, are you going to school and doing 30 hours a week.  Guess not, ha.

    Some one must have a better idea than me.

  4. In many places, working 30 hours a week is full-time for getting benefits.  so, yes, if you want benefits, like health insurance, you want it recorded that you are full-time.

  5. In the uk 30 hours would be full time but standard hours here are 35-38 hours per week.

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