
I have just starting using Yahoo Hosting, my site takes forever to open. Is this common w/ Yahoo hosting! ?

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Even when trying to open the main page takes forever to even "get to" the page. It has nothing to do with the images as the image on the front page is only 10kbs. It takes up to a minute to even open the page!. Does yahoo hosting suck?

Even going from one page to the next, it takes a long time, and my images have all been reduced to minimal jpeg kbs. Frustrating, annoying. Am I the only one experiencing this with Yahoo hosting. I just started a few days ago and it's been happening every day, often.

People visiting the site are sure to get annoyed!

Should I switch hosting services?




  1. well i signed up for paid yahoo hosting recently.

    i used the free geocities for nearly two years before that.

    i am now signed up for the "webhosting starter" plan, means 5 gigabyte/200 gigabyte month bandwidth.

    the pages do display instantly! and video is available at 100 kbyte/second.

    however, there are problems! a few days ago "the site" (my website) has become unavailable from one ip address i use (internet shop).

    i tested with tracer, there are upto 23 routers involved, but nothings wrong.

    using another ip, everything works fine. i tried five hours yesterday actually without a connection.

    so the answer is "it has nothing to do with yahoo, but your service provider". in case of doubt ask people to test your website!

    if someone has an idea why my site does not show up at a certain IP address, let me know! i installed a 3rd party counter (which shows the IP address), and definetively certain people visited the site yesterday.

    "no keep using yahoo webhosting, but change your service provider".

    and free geocities, geocities pro and business webhosting do not have different display speed. i had a superstition guide on free geocities, 32kbyte page, displaying instantly, and even showing up in search engines.

    i do not know if my site address is relevant to the questions, however, it is available from my 360 page.

  2. I still use Yahoo hosting for 2 of my sites. I use Geocities Pro though. It has never given me any problems. I have 4 other sites of my ownn hosted at GoDaddy. Again no problems,

    I'm a professional web designer and have a current client hosted with Yahoo Small Business. It does seem to load a bit slower which is sad since I designed his site in 100% valid CSS.

    So, I think it can depend on what plan you use with Yahoo but I can agree with you that my clients Yahoo plan is slower.

  3. Email me - I can help you with a GOOD and FAST hosting account!!!

  4. I use Yahoo Small Business Standard and it's great, I'm thinking depending on your package such as paid or free "Geocities",  if you are using Geocities .. that package might be slower but still shouldn't be all that much slower, also from time to time Yahoo goes through maintenance that will slow down performance dramatically  but that doesn't usually last long.

    I suggest if your problem persist to contact Yahoo  or give them a call, (800) 318-0783 I've found phone calls are more efficient Yahoo support is pretty good at resolving any problems that may arise.

    Hope this helps,


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