
I have labour issues!

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i'm a mum. my son (age 5) was a vaginal birth. now i'm the clock is ticking. i love to hold friend's babies, and i really wish to have another baby. my husband and i discussed it and are ttc. but whenever i'm getting my period, up to the ovulation days, i'm having doubts if i'm doing the right thing! i know i want a baby - i really do - but i'm so afraid to go through all that pain again! we're ok - finances, home space for another baby hubby wants it. so the only thing that is keeping me back..i'm so afraid when i'm doing the giving birth part. am i too selfish? this normal? were you mums afraid to go through it all once again. if i could pick babies from a tree in the garden..i'd have a full house by now! if only it was that simple!!




  1. I had an emergency c-section and was in a lot of pain after the fact.  I guess it was not too much pain though because i forgot about it after a year and was ready for another.  After the second one i was in even more pain and got really sick.  After all of this though i am ready for another.  I think its worth it because after it is all done you have a beautiful baby to hold and care for and the pain though horrible is gone.  

  2. I would have to say things have changed over 5 years.  I had my daughter about 8 months ago.  I felt no pain, it was fast and I was in labor for only a few hours.  Did you have a epi? They work wonders for pain.  I dont think your being selfish your just scared about the pain.  If you really want a baby go for it.  I think that you should sit down and really think about it.  Is the labor whats really stopping you, or do you not want a baby.

    *They gave me something in my IV and it did nothing so I had a epidural done.  Trust me they are a life saver.  Are you against them? If not then if you do want another child get one of them, its the best for pain.*

  3. It doesn't have to be painful. Have you checked out other methods of birth? Waterbirth greatly reduces pain and cuts down on tearing, most who do waterbirth don't tear. The contraction pains are reduced very much and labor/dialation is much shorter. Check these out:

    Also, hypnobirth is another option. People who do hypnobirth barely make any sound or show any pain at all. Check out these videos:
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