
I have layed rugby since i was 9 i am now 15 i want to quit should i?

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i want to as now i am kind of smalll and i play scrum-half and my height and the way i play has ment that i get hurt a lot in games and i donr enjoy that much for various reasons however my dad has got involved n the club and it is good for him as he has friend in the club that he would not see if i quit so i dunno what to do grine and bear it and see if i grow for as i was a good player county standard but now dont tackle or should i quit




  1. im small and i play scrum half at first you do get injured but your body gets used to it you could also try to hit weights to improve your upper body strengh it is upto you if you want to quit but if i was you then i would try what i have wrote and give it another season and see how it goes as for your dad im sure he will support you in anything you do

  2. Stay in it, it's a good hobby. I'm sure your good at it also.

  3. Rugby is a sport that requires a passion, and if you don't enjoy it, you are better off not continueing, which is OK. Also, you're Dad can still see his friend outside of the club, so don't worry about that.

    That being said, with anything you truely love, sometimes you actually hate it for a bit. You get discouraged, you feel you aren't improving, you get sick of the politics that come with any organization, etc. It's often called a plateau period. Sometimes, it's also a good idea to take a break. You can come back to it. If you miss it terribly, then you know maybe you really do enjoy it in the long run.

    Oh, and about you're size, I'm assuming you're a guy? I'm pretty sure, and I have the statistics on my side, that you're not done growing yet; far from it.

    Above all, follow your heart, but induce a little reason too, whatever that may mean for YOU.

  4. If you don't like then quit. Simple.

    Doesnt mean you have to leave the club completely, you can still come and watch there games and im sure you've got friends in the team,

  5. if you don't enjoy the sport, then quit!!!! Thats why you should play sports-to enjoy them

  6. There are some good answers in here! If you decide not to play your dad will support you. You are quite lucky though. I was not able to begin playing the game until I was fifteen. Here in the states, we did not have mini or midi rugby when I was a youngster.  Nor did I have a father who was interested in the game at all. You are still quite young, and there are plenty of smaller players at every level who excel through hard work and dedication. Desire and technique can help you overcome your size disadvantage. Hitting the weights and extra time on the tackling pads are what is needed if you intend to keep playing. The comment about questionable commitment to rugby is right on.  If you are the least bit hesitant in a contact game such as rugby then you will get injured frequently. What ever you decide, never feel as though you can not talk about with your father! His initial reaction may be one of disappointment, but he is involved in your life and that alone says how he feels about you. He will understand. I hope you decide to keep playing... as long as your playing for you! Good Luck!

  7. If you want to stop playing because your really not enjoying it and are just playing for your dad then that's not a good reason to carry on and if your not committed to the game then that could be why your getting injured.  But if your thinking of quitting because of your size and problems with your tackling then you should take a look at Shane Williams and talk to your coach about getting some time on the tackle bags. And remember that you are only 15 and have got loads of time to increase your muscle strength which will improve your defencive tackling. So really think about what you want before you quit!

  8. if your not happy playing it anymore and you dont think that its worth getting hurt every match anymore for the sport the stop.

  9. I really don't mean for this to sound mean, but I think you should quit if you are no longer happy playing, but please use that energy to focus more on school because your spelling is horrid!!! Maybe you weren't paying attention, but it really is important.

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