
I have legal and physical custody of my children and I want to travel internationally....?

by  |  earlier

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The father of my children disappeared 8 years ago and never seen again. I have alll court documents and passports for my children and ready to travel, must I look for a lost crackhead father that abandoned his children who has a domestic abuse history and get his permissionfor traveling?




  1. It is upto you to look for the father or not who has disappeared 8 years ago.

  2. No, you don't need anything from him. You have the custody and the passports for your children. You can travel anywhere.

  3. You have custody so you don't need his permission to travel.

    I would advise that you make photocopies of the passports and custody documents before you travel. Take the copy of the custody docs with you and leave the original safe at home.

    Leave the copies of the passports at home (obviously you need the original).

    (Not a necessity but just incase!).

    Now go and book your holiday and enjoy!!!

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