
I have lice and i was wondering if i treat it with rid x and dye it will it get rid of them completely?

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the shampoo works fine for me i treated my hair twice with it when i was in school and they were all gone




  1. no......... When I was about 6 (15 now) I had lice. My mother told me that she had to got threw my hair and take out all the eggs, she did this every night. The SHAMPOO ALONE will NOT work, talk to your doctor about it.

  2. This sounds gross but the only thing that worked on my kids was soaking their heads in olive oil, putting on a shower cap, and leaving it on overnight.  The eggs still have to be picked out every day.  All bedding needs to be washed, furniture and carpet vacuumed. The rid x did not work it only burned their heads.  

  3. no u need to go to the dr and get stuff  

  4. I don't know whether the dye will do anything!  But an over the counter lice treatment will work very well.  Be sure you also wash all your bedding and clothes in HOT water and use bleach on anything that you can bleach.  Otherwise the lice will keep re-infesting you.

  5. Rid X will work. When I was younger, I had lice and my mother used Rid X (2-3 days) with the comb they provide and it helps get rid of the live lice. Once the eggs hatch, that's when you need to repeat the procedure.

    Dying your hair will help, too, especially if the dye is strong and you put the dye right at the roots. My mother had dyed her hair shortly after I had lice and she didn't get it. So, the dyes are very strong and kill the lice as well.  

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