
I have light pains in my chest. It gets worse when i start walking or sometimes when i breathe.?

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It started a few weeks ago. Sometimes it feels like the pain is coming from my lungs when i breathe and sometimes it really hurts when my heart starts beating faster.The beating heart pain goes away as fast as it comes mostly.The lung pain is light but when i try to concentrate on my breathing i can feel it lightly. I just came back from the hospital and the doctor tells me this is probably heartburn.I went back after walking half way home(i walked to get my heart rate up)and it started hurting again.The doctor was extremely rude to me and really didn't want to hear my problem since he already diagnosed it as heartburn.I was getting upset because i told him the first time and 10x after it wasn't heartburn. I know what heartburn feels like. I get it lots I am 33years old no history of any diseases.I smoke but am really trying to quit ill go 4 or 5 days without a smoke then ill buy a pack or 2 and try again.Am i wrong to get upset that this might be something more? To be quite honest i had a dream and some lady in white told me i didn't have much time left(exact words) so this frightened me a alot. I was thinking about going back a 3rd time and refusing to leave until they do some tests. Any ideas what this could be? what i should ask a doctor about? where i live i am new to town and there is no doctors taking new patients. Every office tells me to goto emergency if i need a doctor.Any ideas what i should do next?





  1. I am 15 and I don't know if this is the same thing, but when I am exercising and take a deep breath, I get a sharp pain that feels like it's coming from my heart, and sometimes it doesn't go away until I get my heart rate back to normal resting position. I went to the doctor for this and he said it was just nerve endings pinching and that if it doesn't bother me too much (which it doesn't), it's nothing and that I should leave it alone because there's nothing he can do. However, since it does bother you, I would suggest going to a new doctor in the town next to yours since none in your town seem to accept new patients. Tell him everything you said here, plus more if you didn't explain everything. Also, that dream is a little freaky, but don't let it get to your head - it was just a dream and probably a coincidence. Good luck!

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