
I have like a really bad phobia to severe weather. any help?

by  |  earlier

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i get really nervous and can't breath right when theres a strong wind or when theres thunder or hail and worst of all tornadoes and if theres rain and wind that doesn't help either.




  1. Do you have a safe place to go and are you prepared with flashlights, batteries, weather radio, cell phone or two way radio, non-perishable food supply (incase you have to wait), first aid kit, blankets, etc....   Go through a routine in your head of what you would do in each emergency senario.  The more you go through what action to take, the more likely it is that you won't "panic" and forget if you do have a real emergency.  Keep planning and thinking it through,  once you've established a plan of action you will realize that you are NOT powerless, that you do have some control and that should at least help aleveiate some of your fear.  If necessary, make a list (and several copies) of your plan and keep them handy (one in your pocket?).  Your fear is reasonable but probably caused by the feeling of "helplessness",  loss of control. This will give you back control, your "power" to overcome.  Good luck, and start that plan now!

  2. We all have fears in our life and we have to learn to deal with them But when a fear or phobia starts to control our lives we really need to seek professional help because it can pose a  threat to us and those around us

  3. First, I recommend you stop watching the weather channel specials.

    They tend to exaggerate for ratings purposes.

  4. well you appear to be living at a bad time then ,because there is a lot of bad weather on the way ,with Global Warming

  5. If you live in the mid west or Florida I can see whey maybe you should site were you can look at it and come to terms but it's natural to fear bad weather. good luck

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