
I have little cuts around my p***s skin, from rough beating. How long will it take to heal up?

by  |  earlier

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what creams can i use to speed up the process, the cuts sting if touched i really want to know how to heal it fast.




  1. 18 months

  2. It heals fast but don't jack off or it will get worse.

  3. Stop your "activity" until it heals, keep it clean and use some anti biotics.

  4. good question

  5. neosporin, it keeps it clean.

  6. Let the cuts heal first and then put some vitamin E lotion on the scars. You can get Cocoa butter that always helps. There are 2 types of Cocoa butters make sure you get the one that get rids of marks.  

  7. Depends if you can keep your hands off and just let it heal.

    Use neosporin or hydrocortisone or some other ointment to help moisturize and help it heal faster.  Luckily, the skin on the p***s is thin and grows fast.  

    In the future, you gotta realize that your p***s is very sensitive and delicate and to treat it with the respect it deserves!

  8. It heals fast, shouldn't be much more than a couple of days.

    If it's really bad, you might want to try Germolene (or similar) to take the sting out and help keep it clean.

  9. Rub Bengay on your p***s

  10. Choking yur chicken is only and expression! Hahaha!

    Be careful Dude! U only get one package in a lifetime, and there's no way that it should come out with multiple abrasions or contusions.

    U may be into a different kind of pleasure?

    Try a Lube like Astroglide or KY jell liquid and try for the slippery feel good pleasure by sliding it in and out of yur lubed.. wrapped around.. hand. There is less danger of damaging yur pride and joy.

    You might even find that to be a better feel good.

    Try an ointment with zinc in it. Zinc promotes quck healing, and should have U back to good form in 3 to 5 days.

    Hoping the best for U Dude

    Me! :- )

  11. you're not supposed to try to kill it

  12. alright to prevent infection use neosporin to heal the skin use hydrocortisone cream

  13. You have to be a little more gently with your meat.

    If you treat it so rough how do you expect to even feel anything when you are having s*x?

    Use ky jelly (spit on it when it dries out) or a lotion.  

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