
I have little green Caterpillar type bugs eating away at my Hibiscus leaves,how do I get rid of them safely?

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I have little green Caterpillar type bugs eating away at my Hibiscus leaves,how do I get rid of them safely?




  1. stand on them

  2. You may want to take one to the extension agent so you can find out what they are.  They may be butterflies that you would like to have feasting in your garden.  

    We're too used to thinking all caterpillars are pests when many of them are one stage of the process of becoming a butterfly.

    Check out this post about killing caterpillars that would've been Monarch butterflies:

  3. A spray bottle with a bit of dish soap diluted in water. The soapy water won't hurt the plant but will get rid of the caterpillars.

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