
I have little red ants in my do I get rid of them without harming my cats???

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I have noticed little red ants crawling on my counter top and around my coffee pot.(live in an apartment) I totally dismantled the coffee pot to see if they were in there, but nothing. I have checked everywhere, and I can't find their nest. How can I get rid of them without harming my cats?




  1. Feed them corn meal or grits. They eat it. They take it back to their nest and feast on it. They can't digest it and it kills them. Also, corn meal and grits won't harm children or pets. I put out small, flat containers like margarine lids of them.

  2. There is a product you can purchase at garden centers, Wal Mart's garden center, etc.

    Comes in a 1 gal or 5 gal container with a spray attached to the container.  Spray shoots a straight line.  Spray around the foundation of your home, if you have a deck, spray around the outside of the house.

    Then go inside the house and spray along the baseboards of each room in your home.  You will be spraying just above the baseboards and same around the foundation.  To be sure, spray the basement ... finished off or not.

    Job well done.  Doesn't take long at all and it does wonders and is pet friendly.  We have a cat and there was no harm done.

    We have a wrap around deck which I sprayed around the outside of the house.  Best part of this product, not an ant was seen after that.  Good part outside. no spiders, especially "daddy long legs" season.  I hate them as much as the ants.  Also spray window sills.  Directions say, you may have to do this twice or three times in the summer.

    For me, it was only once and that did it.    The only thing is, I forgot the name of the product.  I believe it was a name product.  Read the directions, it will tell you what to do and also will tell you it's pet friendly.  ONLY product I will ever use.

    These little red ants don't seem to be the same as the others that you can follow, because they're in a line.  They just seem to appear.  Get the product ... you'll be happy.

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