
I have lived a sheltered life since childhood, How do i break free and become normal?

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im starting to feel the effects of the shelters i received as a kid and surprisingly is still reciving today. I dont feel experienced. help me. i feel like a weirdo. how do i be normal again??




  1. There's nothing wrong with having a sheltered life, it keeps you sane. You should appreciate having such a nice, pleasant upbringing, most people don't...

    If you really want to feel "normal" (although there's no such thing) maybe you could try meeting people that are different to you, by joining clubs and speaking to people in your environment that you normally wouldn't. xxxx

  2. I know exactly how you feel, I have also lived a sheltered life. Breaking  free and living and enjoying life as you would want to is not easy at all. I mean even though I do get out more these days, because of my upbringing I still sort of shelter myself and look at the world in a way that is different from others. Just do not let other people determine how you must be or feel. Look at it this way: People may laugh at you because you are different, but you can look at them and laugh because they are all the same.

  3. move out, become independant and make new friends

  4. if only everyone could be so fortunate...count your blessings

  5. What really is "NORMAL" ??

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