
I have lived in Ireland for 11 months. Such a fantastic country to live. Why havn't more English moved here?

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I have lived in Ireland for 11 months. Such a fantastic country to live. Why havn't more English moved here?




  1. There's still time.  It's getting crowded here.

  2. because no one wants to leave their lives friends or jobs. most people probobly can't. if  someone has a well built happy life why  should they move away?

  3. Took us long enough to get the English out of here, why would we want them back??

    Why is it so fantastic? We have a health service which is third world & is very expensive, the cost of living is probably the highest in Europe & not far of the most expensive in the world, we have a government which is a total joke, food & drink is way over priced, transport, road & public is sub standard etc etc..... I could go on, but haven't got my soap box with me.......

  4. No way full of Paddies

  5. Don't tempt me...

  6. i would love to. is it ok if i do? can i get the same benefits,free housing, sick pay. child benefits, pension for my old age etc?

    not that i need it .ive got my own house and money. but im just curious?

  7. because the english won't give any of us irish a chance

  8. I am English. Born in London and now I am living in the republic of Ireland.

  9. english can live in ireland no problem. but for goodness sake will the british please leave northern ireland.

  10. We are just waiting for the Irish to leave!!

    Only joking. Would like to live there myslef, who knows, one day

  11. Us Irish and the english haven't really got a good history!!! I'm with Anto on this one!! Bloody english s*** ans b*******

  12. If it's such a "fantastic" place why are they so many Irish in the U.K.

  13. You should ask English people that!

  14. is such a beautiful country.

  15. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... we're trying and failing to keep it to ourselves

  16. If its so wonderful why do we have so many Irish living in England?

  17. too many potatoes not our diet

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