
I have locked jaw, now what?

by  |  earlier

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I am a teenager and this afternoon my jaw just locked! Well, only the left side did. I can open my mouth enough to talk and smile but not enough to scream. I can eat properly. I havent gone to the dentist lately, or got into an accident with my jaw. It changes every couple of minutes, first I can open it a lot, (not all the way) and then I cant open it more than an inch. What should I do?




  1. You need to see an oral surgeon.  You may have something wrong with the TM Joint.  Even if it resolves on its own.  You should still go, as it can recur.

  2. you have TMJ dislocation, need to go see an oral surgeon before it gets too late.

  3. Dont keep tryin to open and close it for 1, 2 go see a dr or dentist its probably TMJ its a condition with an un known cause its where the disks either side of ur jaws lock or go into spasm, ur advised to try not to open o the full extent

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