
I have long hair. Should I cut my hair for the interview? ?

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When I say long its just one or two inches below elbow length. I haven't had time to cut it in a long time. Well I've been lazy lol...

I hate tying it and doing so would not make me feel very confident in the interview. So should I chop it to sholder length?




  1. If you're a bloke ... then yes definitely :-)

  2. no not at all maybe get a trim to tidy it up, once its in good condition there's nothing wrong with having long hair, but there is nothing worse than long hair that looks dry and damaged and straggly.

  3. There is absolutely nothing unprofessional about having long hair if your a women. Seen women with alot longer hair than yours in the business field and medical fields every day and they look great.  

  4. just have a trim and get a side fringe and for the interview straighten your hair

  5. No - put it up in a bun - you will look business like and intelligent !

  6. If you love your hair long and feel comfortable with it, don't cut it, it sounds lovely! Perhaps just get it trimmed to tidy it up. There's lots you can do with long hair without tying it up, like a half up, half down do fastened with a pretty clip at the back. Good luck in your interview!  

  7. Yes. It would look more professional than your regular long hair.

  8. Are you a girl ? Then leave it, just make sure its clean.

    If you are a boy, then yes cut it you slob !!

  9. How good is the job? How much do you want it? Long hair that is washed and silky and dose'nt have split ends looks nice. At the end of the day its you who will being doing the job and if your prospective employer cant see past the length of your hair, are they worth working for? Good luck.

  10. I guess you should prob's have a trim, make it look more sleek, shiney and presentable...

    You shouldnt have to tie it up for an interview, it will look lovely with it long and down if its in good condition  

  11. You don't have to do shoulder length if you like long hair, but you probably should cut a few inches off at least. If you haven't cut it in a long time the ends might look yucky now.

    shoulder lenght is pretty easy though, you can still pull it back too.

    The main thing is to have it look nice and well kept!

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