
I have lost 3 babys i think im now obsessed help me !!!?

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well my 1st baby was an abortion that i so regret but i had no choice because of my age and my parents, my 2nd was a molar pregnancy and 3rd one which was 3 weeks ago was a miscarriage.

wen i see people on the street that are pregnant i get so angry and upset but I'm more angry and upset when i see people i know pregnant.

when i do think about pregnancy in a day that day i am on the pc looking at EVERYTHING to do with pregnancy.

im tryin agen in sept or oct . but im so scared of loosin anove one.

i need some advice please xxxxxxx




  1. after your first baby was lost through abortion i think there is some effect on your body.... consult a doctor first... and also consult a psychiatrist maybe there is something wrong with  you mentally.. no offense i'm just trying to help you.. may God bless you and give you a chance to have your baby..  

  2. Don't lose hope. When the time is right, you will be blessed with a baby or even babies! At least you know that you are able to get pregnant, which is a very good start. I know you are frustrated now, but your time will come! Good luck to you and lots of baby dust! I will say a prayer that in the fall when you try again it will be good news!

  3. Firsty I'd like to say for someone to understand how you feel they need to have been through this themselves.  Its not weird or wrong how you are feeling its all part of the healling process.  Its natural to go through the process of feeling numb, angry, sad, withdrawn, obsessed and to wonder why me!

    Give yourself time to heal first its only been 3wks since your loss.  I totally understand what you mean about your emotions.  You see other pregnant women and think why did I have to loose my baby.  There are orgnisations especially for parents that have lost a baby/sthrough miscarriage or still birth or sids.  They have counsellers you can talk to and also a group for parents who have lost a baby/s and who are expecting again.  If you live in Australia the name of orgnisation is SANDS.    My sister in law had 3 miscarriages and went on to have 3 beautiful girls.  So don't give up.  Its a good idea to have a plan to try again, you will know when the time is right for you and it is so natural to feel unsure and scared that it could happen again.  Because of your miscarriages the hospital should monitor you more closely.  I go every week for a fetal heart beat check as I lost a baby at 14 wks.  This has helped me and I had all the feelings that you are feeling.  Talking to someone helps.  I would try and see a counseller to talk over your feelings and fears.  From one who has been where you are now I wish you nothing but the best.  :0)

  4. Obviously, it has became vital for you to have babies. The reason may be a deep-rooted one or may be it is some sort of obsession. 2 or 3 unsuccessful attempts are really not important, it is happening everywhere all the time. In fact your undue concern seems to be unusual. My suggestion is - go see your doctor about your physical conditions. Be sure that it is safe, both for you and your future baby, to conceive right at this time. if you get a go-ahead signal, go and be pregnant. Also please reamain cheerful, your anxiety and apprehensions will not help you in any way

  5. First off, Jamie, the first answerer, is way off, that was very much uncalled for and completely a tasteless comment. Ignorance from someone that has apparently never had to struggle to have a child.

    Don't count yourself out just yet. I can sympathize, when I was 18, right out of high school, I got pregnant and I had a miscarriage. I STILL to this day, being 25 years old, think about it and wonder what things would have been like if I didn't miscarry. Every March (when the baby was due) is still difficult.

    Then a couple of years later, I was married, and we started trying to have a baby, only to find out I have infertility issues. Anytime I saw someone pregnant, I was so mad and envious all in the same breathe. My friends all around me were getting pregnant like it was nothing, and here I was having to fight an uphill battle just to POSSIBLY conceive. I finally got pregnant, on my own, had a fairly healthy pregnancy and beautiful baby girl. But I remember, going through exactly what you are.

    Molar pregnancies are rare, miscarriages are not. That does not mean you will not have a healthy pregnancy in the future. You can not give up hope just yet.

    I suggest going to the doctor, talking to them about your concerns, to make sure that when you start trying to get pregnant again you are in good health, taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid while ttc, etc. but don't give up yet!  

  6. Stop trying. This is God's way of telling you it is not meant to be for you to have children. So sorry!

  7. Ask your doctor and make sure he thinks its safe and you won't lose another baby. Then go for it! Also, its not strange for you to be upset or angry when you see other people that are pregnant, its obviously something you want so it's normal.

    Good luck and I hope you succeed!

  8. I dont have much advice but I can definetly tell you that your feelings are totally normal After my misscarriage I was the same way When I saw someone treating a pregnant woman better than me I was like who cares she just got knocked up why does she deserve attention? I was super PISSED at everyone and everything. I got depressed and everytime i had s*x with my husband i would hope that that was the time i would concieve! It took about 8 months and then I got pregnant. All I have to say is its going to take time and just try to relax as much as possible but to tell you the truth no  matter what anybodys says nothing is going to take away the pain. Your just going to have to preoccupy yourself with other things to do. Best of luck to you

  9. Maybe you should think about seeing a counselor.  If you are married and can provide a good home for a child adoption is a good option.  If you are not married, please don't try to bring another child into the world.  

    About the abortion you had a a young age, you need to take responsibility for that.  You got pregnant in the first place and no one can force you to have an abortion.  

    I am very sorry to hear about your losses.  I hope you can find the help you need.  Good Luck.

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