
I have lost 5,000.00 in the past few months with our usually rock solid firm, Franklin Templeton?

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Our portfolio is diversified for a long term gain, but we are in financial chrisis and are having to re-think our investment strategy. We are thinking of switching from the global basket type to the fixed, which would yeild small dividends quarterly for fear of losing it all. We are toying with e-trading but know how risky that can be. Any thoughts on this? Thanks




  1. STOP!!! You are making a basic mistake and will pay for it. Call a financial advisor and talk it over with him or her, my goodness, you don't good us near enough info, but bottom line you should buy low and sell high, instead out of panic you want to sell low! that makes no sense! If you sell the Franklin Templeton fund that yes you would have lost 5k, but it you bought the fund at 10k it goes down on paper to 5k then goes back up to 20k and you don't sell until its up, then you lost nothing, you made 10k!!!! Get it? Your fear is making you lose sight of the big picture, and then you are gonna put the money left into a fixed interest fund, for older people seeking preservtion of capital, not growth or the exact opposite of the spectrum do e trading on your own and lose all of your money???? Pppppllllllease!

    Go , no, run to a financial advisor to help you, educate you, and make your money work for you.

    email me if you want the name of a good one, or talk to your friends and relatives to see if they know a good one. Don't do it yourself, and don't do fixed income.

    Good luck.

  2. Listen, I don tknow your age, but would assume your a approaching retirement by the way you are talking. Now, believe it or not, are great times to put more money in the market. The market is at a low right now. Value investors make tons of money in market conditions such as these. If you buy finanicially solid companies in this market in 3-5 years, you will realizing gains of 30% or more. Hang in there and pick up some more positions. Patience and a steady mind are two of the most important aspectes of investing.

    Good Luck!

  3. All funds are struggling this year.  Switching to bond funds does not guarantee "fixed income."  Stay diversified.

  4. If you'll need the money within the next couple of years, I'd move it over to a fixed rate fund.

    If you can ride things out without moving things, that would be the best in the long run.

    E-trading is individual stocks.  That'll be more volatile.

  5. I think doing anything while you are down is the wrong idea. It will seal in any loses. At this point they are only on paper.

  6. We're all in the same boat with you.  Fortunately my diversification really has protected me this time.  I had insane losses back in 1999-2000.  But those ended up being important lessons.   Good luck.  This is how the market works.

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