
I have lost 70 of my rabbits, they will jump and hit themselve against the cage after they will paralize & die

by  |  earlier

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They act as if they have convultion then they die want to know the caurse




  1. Dude....

    If you have lost 70 rabbits and still have more, you don't have a problem, you have a solution!

  2. They are stressed!!!!!   Change their habitat to a calm and secluded area,  make sure it's not too hot and nothing is coming at night to scare them to death

  3. What the h-ll are you doing with 70 rabbits anyway?

    You can't provide them with a comfortable,safe,clean,uncrowded area in which to live(they are so stressed that's why they are throwing themselves against the fence)Can you even provide them with enuf food and water?I won't even mention medical care or cleanliness.

    You should be stopped and the remaining rabbits taken away from you.If I knew who you were I'd call the  local Humane Society.

  4. Give your little fur balls a place to run around. Put the cage outside and leave a gate around a small area in the yard with a way for your rabbit to get in freely. Don't make it too low or they can jump out! Also make sure to feed it regularly. Rabbits are meant to run around, not sit around in a little cage! Also give them a small wooden hut to sleep in at night so they aren't scared to death like Figment 58 said.

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